RANT: Tractor Supply won't sell less than six chicks!!!

I wanted two pullets which I beleive were 2.99 each they also had straight run bantams for 1.99 each so I told the lady charge me for two pullets and four bantams but I'm only taking 2 pullets with me I ended up paying about $12 for two pullets but instant gratification costs money sometimes and ordering two chick's from a hatchery (is that even possible? ) would have costed more.
I bought my 4 bantam chicks from tractor supply Saturday and didn't hear a peep (I'm new to chickens, so I'm exhausting all my chicken puns) about a minimum. I'm in Kansas, so we probably just have a different or no law on the matter.
IDK where you are but I am in Ohio and all retailers have a 6 chick min required by law. It's been that way for decades.

Our local TSC only has sex links as sexed, everything else is straight run. The local chain right next door has a sign with what they are getting in each week, how many of each, and they only order pullets except for the meat birds. They also let my kids pet the chicks as long as they use hand sanitizer before and after. But due to the law they also only a min of six. BUT I am sure that if there were someone else buying I could slip them $9 and pick out three of my own if I wanted.

I believe we also have a no colored chicks/bunnies law here.

yep. both the 6 min and the dyed thing are the same law, enacted in 1971. It also states that the store selling chicks needs to sell brooders as well.

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My Rural King in Princeton, Indiana is one of the best when it comes to chicks. They have a very knowledgeable woman who deals with the chicks. The water and food is always refreshed, along with the bedding. They do have a minimum of six. But, if you specially order them, they have a minimum of 25. I did the other day and got 20 light Brahma pullets and five roosters for $70. So under three dollars each.
I can understand NOT being allowed to touch the chicks, if you think about it, that's just a good bio security program. if someone comes in after handling their own flock and say they have Mareks in their flock, then comes and handles all the chicks, then they just transferred Mareks to the chicks. same with any illness or virus out there. or say during the day little kids grab the chicks and stress them out or even hurt them then by the time you purchase them they would be Ill from being terrorized by kids handling them all day...The 6 chick minimum is for protection of the chicks! they don't want people buying one for a Easter toy or prop for their two year old. it's just a way of protecting them.
The 6 chick minimum is for protection of the chicks! they don't want people buying one for a Easter toy or prop for their two year old. it's just a way of protecting them.
The 6 chick minimum is a legal requirement in a lot of states - and Tractor supply (rightly, IMO) believes that it makes sense to have consistent policies across all of their stores.
In my experience, no company will sell you less than a minimum of 6 chicks in Massachusetts. I don't mind that on principle, but this year I ended up ordering from hatcheries because I wanted a mix of breeds and I couldn't find any one TSC or feed store that had everything I wanted. I felt bad that I wasn't able to give local stores my business because that really would have been my preference.

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