Rapid feathering


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Sammamish WA
My first post!

I've been reading BYC for a long time. I got my BO chicks 17 days ago. When they arrived they had no feathers, only fluff. As of today they are 60% feathered. This seems VERY rapid compared to what I've read. I've even searched through the archives! I'm not exactly concerned, they are happy and warm and growing. I would just like someone to tell me this is normal?!

They have big wing, shoulder, tail feathers, and feathers starting up the neck between the wings. Underneath they seem to be feathering out as well. I can literally see new feathers grow significantly from morning to afternoon.
Would love to see PICS

My girls are 3 weeks old and are about 50-60% feathered. We got them at 4 days old and they were just chick fuzz!!
She stated in her original post that they were Buff Orpingtons.

I would say that these chicks, likely being from a hatchery, are just fast mature-ing.
Sounds right about normal for me! At three weeks old my chicks usually have all their wing feathers, little tufts of feathers over their shoulders and maybe the beginnings of neck feathers. Pullets usually grow tail feathers sooner than roos, so if they're pullets, they'll usually have a big bunch of tail feathers too. But a lot depends on individual breeds. Plus I've heard they feather out faster if you don't overheat them. Or rather, if you keep the temperature in the brooder on the high side, you can slow down their feathering out.

It sounds like your chicks are growing fine.
sounds like my production red girls they are about 5 weeks old and are prob 60% or more feathered out

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