Rat Forums?


May 26, 2016
Central Arkansas
I rehomed my 2 & 1/2 year old chickens last week and I'm so comfortable here, but all I have now is a sweet little young rat named Earl. Anyone know of a decent rat forum?


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Not sure of a rat forum but you don't have to have chickens to stay! Everybody's welcome here :)

Your rat is a cutie!
Thank you! He's very sweet and LOVES carrots! I don't plan on leaving BYC. I live a very simple rural life and I just don't want to end up on a forum with a bunch of "weirdos", not sure what to expect on a rat forum. I choose to get a pet rat because we live in a literal tiny home so I only have room for a small caged animal. My experience as a child/ teenager with rodent pets... Gerbils are fun to watch, but not to handle (got bit a few times). Hampsters are cute, but also not good for handling. The rats I had back then never bit and loved being handled, had quite a bond with them... So I went with a rat again and we love him!
Thank you! He's very sweet and LOVES carrots! I don't plan on leaving BYC. I live a very simple rural life and I just don't want to end up on a forum with a bunch of "weirdos", not sure what to expect on a rat forum. I choose to get a pet rat because we live in a literal tiny home so I only have room for a small caged animal. My experience as a child/ teenager with rodent pets... Gerbils are fun to watch, but not to handle (got bit a few times). Hampsters are cute, but also not good for handling. The rats I had back then never bit and loved being handled, had quite a bond with them... So I went with a rat again and we love him!

Ahh okay. Well I doubt they'd be weirdos! Lol they're probably very nice.

And that makes sense! Rats are awesome. I never truly realized it till I followed a Tumblr years ago that had a bunch and hers were so cute and amazing. And I loved watching her get new ones and was always said when ones I loved and knew died :hit I haven't checked the blog in years though so idk if they still have them or what. They were cute though. Are you gonna get a second one?
Ahh okay. Well I doubt they'd be weirdos! Lol they're probably very nice.

And that makes sense! Rats are awesome. I never truly realized it till I followed a Tumblr years ago that had a bunch and hers were so cute and amazing. And I loved watching her get new ones and was always said when ones I loved and knew died :hit I haven't checked the blog in years though so idk if they still have them or what. They were cute though. Are you gonna get a second one?
I'm not planning on getting a second one. I know this is considered a no-no in the rat world as they are very social and most people recommend having at least two for companionship. My rat spends as much time out of his cage as possible for play and exercise (and bonding time with us). I'm more concerned with finding and purchasing a larger habitat for him... One that will still fit in our "tiny home" and give him more living space.
I'm not planning on getting a second one. I know this is considered a no-no in the rat world as they are very social and most people recommend having at least two for companionship. My rat spends as much time out of his cage as possible for play and exercise (and bonding time with us). I'm more concerned with finding and purchasing a larger habitat for him... One that will still fit in our "tiny home" and give him more living space.

I'm sure he's probably fine if you spend a lot of time with him! Although two are more fun for you too :p

And that's a good idea! There is a brand that's similar to Critter Nation that I think is a little cheaper.
So I joined a rat forum, but it's not as much fun as here. It doesn't seem to be very active. I've gotten some feedback but recently I started a thread asking for advice on affordable rat cages and got no replies. I wish BYC had a pet rat section, I feel more at home here. :p

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