RE: Forum Rules, BYC Tone, Locked Topics, Freedom of Speech, Trolling

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Bless you Katy, well said!
I often have to delete my postings in a thread for this very reason! Don't say don't read the thread and just keep your mouth shut, it's an open forum and people will speak their mind if given a chance with personal dirty laundry. I would hope if those that think they should post these issues should have good friends on here so this kind of thing can be taken to a PM instead of the whole poultry site to witness in print.

It's suppose to be a informative chicken information site or use to be.
wow. thanks for the reminder about personal stuff. I get pretty comfortable around this site - time to remember just how public - and well read - this is. Please feel free to kick me hard if I get carried away and cross the line! I love this site and want to keep it nice. Thank you moderators.
Ditto on the personal stuff.

I do think that there are times that debates on issues relating to poultry that are a bit controversial could be allowed a bit more leeway as long as name calling and rude comments do not come into play. I beleive reasonable people can have significant disagreements without being rude and I think that there are times that something can be learned.

Moderators have a very difficult job and I do not envy their position. Thanks so much for what you do.
I think the moderators to a great job.

I really like that this is a "clean" family-friendly forum.

While I do think people should be cautioned about giving too much personal info I think it's great that people can talk about personal issues or ask advice about non-chicken things. I find it a great place to do that - so many different people to bounce ideas off of.

Oh, and the chicken info is great too.
Regarding personal info posted publicly:

The BYC Staff try not to have to make a judgment call between what is and isn't too personal, but in extreme cases (children, excess drama, etc.) we'll step in where needed. There was a discussion over at regarding members getting comfortable feeling like their posts are private. I can guarantee that everything posted on any public forum is VERY far from private. Google and other search engine "spiders" visit BYC at least daily and snatch up everything written. In fact, Google and other sites make an exact copy of the information and keep it safe on their systems, so even if you make a mistake and delete a post it is possible it still exists out on the inernets.

I also hypothesize that eventually some smart nerd in his parent's basement or garage will create a machine learning algorythm that will be able to analyze all the text on the internet and start piecing it together to trace who wrote it. Written text is a lot like a fingerprint and can potentially be tracked back to the poster. Example, you have a twitter account, a facebook acct, myspace page, linkedin, post to a couple forums, comment on blogs, etc. and do all of them as different IDs thinking you are anonymous... well, give it 5 - 10 years and I wouldn't be surprised if they will all be tracked back to your real name.

So, be careful what you say. If you don't mind it being public and people maybe tracing it back to your personal name, then (again if in the correct section of the forum and not extreme) we'll allow it.

Regarding "Time Outs" and Bans:

BYC Staff take these very seriously. When someone is violating the rules of the forum we try to give ample warnings. If they persist the staff discuss next steps. Sometimes this is a "probation" from specific areas of the forum and sometimes it becomes a temporary or permanent ban as a last resort.

Bottom line: We do all we can to keep peeps here and happy and give them all the info they need to do so.

Rob, I read through the end of this and this part... I want to tell you, that is already available and out there. It can be used to find your home address, phone number, and depending on the encryption key used, credit card, ss#, DL # etc.

So to reiterate what rob said... anything you put out there is out there FOREVER. Same goes for email.

Any webcam left on and turned on can also be indexed. An easy example is to go to google and type inurl:/view/index.shtml this is a good example to kind of show you what is available. Granted most of this is exterior school shots, and traffic cams run by cities, but I wanted to show you what you can find if you know how to look.
I must say that when a person presents a personal problem here on the BYC I stay as FAR away from this as I can.

I do not Chat nor do I partake in a personal thread of ANY stature.

I think that the random ramblings section should be closed to such threads and if a person needs to present a personal issue a new section should be established so I can keep it out of my searches. This is already established on the BYC and I DO use it.
Folks, this isn't a place for debate, it's a reminder thread to remember the rules and understand the tone we want to keep here on BYC. Thank you all for participating and making BYC the best chicken forum on the internet!
I appreciate all the hard work done by all the mods.

I was once contacted concerning my old avatar, a chickee, being rude. (I hadn't even noticed!) One of BYC 's mods contactacted me in the MOST FRIENDLY and gentle manner! THANK YOU!
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