RE: Oh the gardening bug

Corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, Kale, potatoes, Okra, melons, Peppers - bell & hot, beets. And I saw Coffee bean trees for sale in a seed catalog--I think I'll try potting up a couple to bring them in during the winter and who knows, maybe in 3 or 5 years I'll be roasting my own beans.
Amaranth, Corn, Beans, Squash, Melons, Carrots, Potatoes, Quinoa, Tef, Tomatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Broccoli, Onions, Grapes, various Berries, over 30 varieties of Fruit Trees, and much more!!

I just planted 220 Tomato and Pepper seeds. . . All heirloom varieties too.
(About 12 varieties each)
Ut Oh... I just broke out my seed starting soil for my tomatoes

I have 3 kitchen carts that will be full by week's end... I promise you that!
:yaWell i'll move out Tomatoes, Peppers, and many flowers out of the greenhouse. I will plant some taters in Feb, (14). We plan on a big garden 5 acres. We will plant 100 roses, and many many trees. You would not know we live in west Texas by looking at our landscape.


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We decided against more trees this year, but are adding a 50ft x 20ft new garden area that will be filled with paths and raised beds. This year our already planted trees will be on their 3rd and 4th years. We've had tons of ice and snow and down right FREEZING temps, so I hope to have a lot of crisp apples this year
...and even MORE peaches!!!!!

I will splurge on blueberry bushes as I lost the one I planted last year.
i plant a huge 4 part garden.
garden 1
3 kinds of corn, onions, potatoes, garlic, green onions, established yellow raspberry patch, carrots, beets, peanuts, leeks,

garden 2
grapes, roses, cucumbers, easter egg gourd, luffah, 3 kinds of green beans, two kinds of peas, zucchini, summer squash, pattipan squash, pumpkin, tomatoes (few varieties), butternut squash, eggplant (2 kinds), artichokes, spagetti squash, acorn squash, watermelon, cantelope, cherry, plum, apple

garden 3
hot peppers, bell peppers, established black berries, established blueberries, established red raspberries, Sunflowers, apple, cherry, peach, misc annual flowers, lilac, strawberries, roses, grapes, chard, two kinds of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuces, asparagus, passion fruit,

garden 4
all my herbs, rose, chickens, quail, ducks, aquaponics project, flowers,

my container gardens
mulberry, dwarf apple, apricot, lemon, lime, clementine, star fruit, aloes, vanilla, banana, sugarcane

the containers are interspursed among the 4 gardens. those items come inside in the fall through until it's warm enough for them to go outside again.

i am sure I am forgetting about a lot of things. that's just what we did last year. We'll probably add to it this year...and i can't get anything in the groud until april-may ish
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I'm such a freak - I already have my entire garden and all the flower beds mapped out.

Tomatoes: big beef, sun gold, and sweet baby girl
Potatoes: Yukon golds, fingerling, and whichever red ones are available this year
Pole Beans: scarlotte runner, Fortex, and purple king (I think that's what they're called)
Peas: super sugar snaps
Peppers: california wonder and sweet banana
Swiss Chard: fordhook giant and northern lights
Broccoli: green goliath
Cauliflower: snow queen
Cabbage: haven't decided on variety yet
Eggplants: fairytale and purple rain
Zucchini: sweet gourmet, sweet zuke, and the non-hybrid that I keep the seeds from every year - I don't even know the name of it anymore
Squash: waltham butternut, table ace acorn, and hosta la pasta
Cucumbers: sweeter yet and straight eight
Onions: walla walla and yellow Spanish
Radishes: cherry belle
Kohlrabi: early white vienna
An assortment of greens, lettuce, carrots, and herbs. I think that's about it.
I'll be a freak with you. So are you going to make your own fertilizer? I usually use koi pond water with some poop from cows, chicks. and horses.

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