Ready Set Hatch! Set 3/17 Hatch 4/7 - ready now! Hatch-Along

Lol...okay but try to keep the laughter to a minimum - the eggs are sleeping :)

This is the outside. The dial controls the thermostat, which is from a water heater. I found a video on how to drill it out to have less temp fluctuation and it works really well - only fluctuates about 2 tenths of a degree. There's also a computer fan in there blowing down over the thermostat and light bulb (at egg level so air isnt blowing on the eggs) to make temps even throughout. Not too bad - my hot corner and cold corner are 1/2 degree apart (but eggs are developing in both!) The silver L-shaped handles are for the turning racks. I made it with three separate racks but I'm only using two this time. The tubing goes to a babyfood jar for adding humidity. There's also another one in the back that pours into a larger dish for lockdown.


This is looking down on top. I use three thermometers, the one in the water wiggler, and one in each hot/cold corners to monitor that all are within the temp range I want. The sticky note flaps you see on each thermometer is my reminder of how much to add to what it measures. I calibrated them against a medical thermometer to see how far they were off.
Okay. Here's where it gets my personal touch...

Yes, the wire grid is held up by cans of tomato sauce. They are still full of tomato sauce and working as heat sinks along with the rocks :D
My favorite building materials are duct tape and zip ties!
Thanks! So far so good. I enjoy doing that sort of thing. I just lack the ability/desire to make it look more professional. Before I use it again I will make some improvements. The way it is, if any of those cans, rocks, jars gets moved it throws off the airflow and the hot and cold corners get more extreme. I need to fix that.
New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home.........this is an interesting thread if anyone is up for something exciting!
I didn't know how to find the URL sorry

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