Really sick chick! Please help!


Oct 5, 2020
Hey guys, so I went to a feed store today and noticed a dead-looking chick in their brooder being stepped all over. The employees got her out and let me take her home since they couldn't do anything about it. I've had her home for two hours now. She can't pick her head up or stand and seems to want to lay kinda on her side, like something is wrong with her wing. She also won't open her eyes, even for food, unless she's spooked by something. She just wants to sleep.
She can't eat solid food so we're doing watered down egg yolk and sugar water. She's touch and go, but seems to have perked up more since we got her home in general. When I feed her, I lightly dip the tip of her beak into the yolk or water and she tilts her head back to drink it. I noticed a clicking sound when she breathed and feared she may have aspirated, so I gently picked her up to look her over and she threw up a bit but the clicking stopped. She then ate a little more. We have a brooder box set up, but I've had her on a heating pad with a rag over her back because it's just as warm as her brooder and she seems comfortable. I'm just not confident she's going to make it and I'm not sure what else to do. Any advice is appreciated. Probably no more than six days old.
I'll see if my mom can pick up nutridrench tomorrow because I'm working 9:30 am to 6pm. Do you reckon she'll be okay until tomorrow without it?
Its very hard to say for sure. I know egg yolk is nutrient rich already, and the sugar should help with a bit more energy.. Sounds like you've done good with what you have already.
I raise chicks and hatch them constantly. Every once in a while I end up with weak ones that just fade so quickly and don't make it.

In a different and more recent thread on here, someone also had purchased a weak chick, and with electrolytes and patience, the chick began to recover. I suppose it's a case by case thing, but the fact that youve been proactive is a good head start for this one. Fingers crossed it pulls through.

I should note: do try to get her to eat if you can
Good on you for giving this poor chick a chance. I think most would agree to provide nutridrench and electrolytes as much as possible. Young chicks like this can easily fade without really being ontop of them. Its possible this chick was born with issues, or may have easily been trampled around a bit and has not had the chance to eat and drink as much. Hard to say what the issue is. Good luck, and hoping this chick will pull through for you
Its very hard to say for sure. I know egg yolk is nutrient rich already, and the sugar should help with a bit more energy.. Sounds like you've done good with what you have already.
I raise chicks and hatch them constantly. Every once in a while I end up with weak ones that just fade so quickly and don't make it.

In a different and more recent thread on here, someone also had purchased a weak chick, and with electrolytes and patience, the chick began to recover. I suppose it's a case by case thing, but the fact that youve been proactive is a good head start for this one. Fingers crossed it pulls through.
Thank you so much. My manager just suggested that I make a thin paste from starter grow to see if that helps too. I'm down to try anything for this baby at this point. I appreciate the support and I'll update tomorrow after work
Good on you for giving this poor chick a chance. I think most would agree to provide nuteidrench and elcteolytes as much as possible. Young chicks like this can easily fade without really being ontop of them. Its possible this chick was born with issues, or may have easily been trampled around a bit and has not had the chance to eat and drink as much. Hard to say what the issue is. Good luck, and hoping this chick will pull through for you
I'll see if my mom can pick up nutridrench tomorrow because I'm working 9:30 am to 6pm. Do you reckon she'll be okay until tomorrow without it?

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