Recently divorced, kids are falling apart, moving, and our dog killed our year old Pilgrim gander la


9 Years
11 Years
Jul 12, 2010
North Eastern Arizona
I am divorced after 16 years of being with my husband, and my boys and I are having a hard time adjusting. We are moving out of our forever 'earthly' home and we are all exhausted. To make matters worse our dog killed, Columbus, our Pilgrim gander last night. We could use some prayers of encouragement, please. Thank you.
I will pray for you. Life can be so hard sometimes. Just take a moment to sit back and "rest". God will lift your spirits and you have a brand new better life ahead of you. There is always a ray of hope somewhere, just try to see it, but remember to see it you have to look upwards..You will be ok.
My husband and i got divorced three years ago. It was the hardest thing ive ever done. Allow yourself time to grieve but don't wallow in it. Take one day at a time and keep busy doing things you love. I am so sorry about the loss of your pets. There are lotsof wonderful people on here who will talk with you about anything if you need it.

Good luck on your new adventure!
Oh, azhenhouse, so sorry to hear that.

I'm divorced too (it's been a while) but have been happily married to my second hubby and true soul mate now for the past 20 years. I can't say I know exactly what you are going through (no two situations are ever the same) but I think anyone who has gone through a divorce, even a so-called amicable one, can say with a bit of certainty that we know what you are dealing with. Endings of any kind are always tough.

It sounds like your dog may be exibiting signs of stress and discomfort as well. Most people don't give animals nearly the credit they deserve when it comes to sensing and being affected by emotional turmoil going on around them. I'm so sorry you lost your gander - it's horrible - but I hope that you don't take out your anger on your dog. I would say give him or her just as much love as you can and don't forget about him/her as you move forward into this new stage of your life. If the dog is relocating with you, that is going to be stressful on the animal, possibly as much or even more than on you and the kids. You can talk with each other and reason things out. An animal can only feel and the torrent of emotions you are all giving off will be made even worse by new surroundings.

It may be a bit trite, but the British definitely had the right idea during WWII..."Keep Calm and Carry On". The keeping calm will help all of you to remain on as much of an even emotional keel as possible (very important) and as for carrying on, I know there will be times when you just want to throw your hands up in defeat but that will be the time to be at your strongest for yourself, your children, and your pets. You CAN do it and each time you do, it will get a bit easier.

You will be in my thoughts as you begin this next phase of your life. Blessings be on you, your children and your pets.
Jeanna Marie - Thank you. :)

RedneckGurl - Our poultry and dogs have free ranged together for years, and we have never had a problem. Recently, the gander was becoming more protective of his laying girl, Santa Maria and he probably went after my dog, and he responded with a deadly bite. Boomer, the dog, is a great indoor/outdoor watch dog and will be moving to our new house with us. He keeps the coyotes away. Hopefully, after being disciplined we won't have this problem again. I am hoping he will walk away from the geese like the other dogs do. :/
So sorry to hear of all the sadness in your life right now. I always tell myself that a door closes but a window opens, so please don't let it get you down too much. It will get better, and maybe your old dog just felt the stress and acted out too . . .thoughts and prayers coming your way.
It's so hard to see our children hurting
. I hope you and your family settle in to your new home and are all feeling lighter and more hopeful soon. You'll be in my thoughts.
Prayers ascending. After my marriage of 20 years I was divorced and the only relief I found was building a coop with a friend and bringing in 30 chicks. That was last fall. This is the best diversion I could ever ask for after the loss of my job that followed the divorce. So healing. Let the boys and you heal through it or being close to nature. Green pastures He supplies!
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