Recommend me a way to zap the wooly buggers!

Yep, elk jump just like deer except their size helps them also work like a battering ram. They won't typically jump into something like a chicken run. They see it as a box. I'm assuming they're knocking the fence down to get inside. Putting several strands around run should fix them up.

Around here they get a couple chances and then fish and wildlife gladly issues depredation tags. They're majestic pains in the rear.
I have electric wires around my coops and pens and so far nothing has gotten past them. I use the Poly Rope Wire. It's easily seen and can be associated with hurt. This is my fence charge and anything that touches the wires will know it. I got my PARMAK fence charger on sale and just checked and the price went up quite a bit.

PolyRopeWire.png 20201129_133324.jpg
This one would probably work and it's less expensive. You will need to put several wires up spaced at around a foot apart.
Not my picture. I found it online as an example.

I don't have to deal with elk but I know others that have. One trick is to get the elk to touch the wires with it's mouth. You can take a metal can like a metal coffee can and put something in it the elk like and attach it to the electric wire with a piece of wire so the electric will make the can hot and when they touch it with their mouth they will get a zap they won't forget.
How'd it get thru the coop door......or was it open?

Will elk jump a fence like deer do?

How do you do that...bait it with something?
Bacon works for carnivores, but elk?

My coop door is only 22 inches wide so I didn't think they could fit through the door, at least not enough to reach the back of the coop where the feed is stored. But they did. They can jump a 6 foot fence quite easily but they're not jumping over my fence as the length of fence they're going through is 7 feet high and attached to coop and the post, I think they're kicking it until it rips off the posts. I bought cable to string and support the top of the fence.
Bacon would probably work for elk too, I could probably use a rock. I've had to chase an elk away from plastic flowers 3 times in a row, I'm not sure how well they can taste probably a carrot or lettuce, since that's what everyone feeds them. Which is why I have this problem to begin with. My neighbor behind me (40 feet from the coop) feeds them, but I can't blame just her, all the weekenders and a free recentl full timers feed them.

Yep, elk jump just like deer except their size helps them also work like a battering ram. They won't typically jump into something like a chicken run. They see it as a box. I'm assuming they're knocking the fence down to get inside. Putting several strands around run should fix them up.

Around here they get a couple chances and then fish and wildlife gladly issues depredation tags. They're majestic pains in the rear.

I wish I had your fish and game, ours is a joke and the elk are treated as if their going extinct. A few years ago, there was a rumor that they were going to issue double tags or a tag for every local for the forests around the towns, just to reduce the numbers which are getting severely damaging. It was just a rumor.
They're giant rats as far as I'm concerned.
If you can bait the wire so the elk will touch the wires with their mouth/tongue which is pretty sensitive they may get the message.
In this picture the electric wires were alternated with barbed wire. I would put only hot wires up. You can see the insulator attached to the post on the middle wire in the picture. Good luck...

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