Recycled Nest boxes (pics)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
-The base is the head/foot boards from an old twin bed
-The boxes are walmart organizing shelves turned on their sides
-The slanted roof is old barn boards i had from dismantling a stall wall (to make a foaling stall for my mare).
I hope my girls like it!


I'd add fronts to the two triangle areas. They'll use those too.

Put something sharp up on the apex so they don't try to roost up there.
Very Nice, but I agree with Mahonri. I had a peaked area that the chickens would roost on. I tacked some chicken wire up there and they managed to get on the wire. I put a bracket on each end and put a substantial string up to just below their shoulders. They can't balance on the string and now they don't even try anymore.
That is so cute !

I am trying to figure out a system of small nest boxes for my new coop - I have seramas who like to lay in the feed trough (it is a wooden one, nice and small - they love it).

I may have to have hubby look at those pics <g> if ya don't mind me stealing your idea....

Peace -

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