Red Golden Chick - Roo or Hen

I have a lone Bobwhite Quail chick that I named peepers to because thats all he does. He hatched yesterday morning at around 6:30.
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nothing too early about it, the post about eye color is dead on for all ruffed species of pheasant, a good eye can sex them at a day old, the hens always have solid chocolate brown eye, pale rings around the eye, will slowly grow to cover it in pale blue and turn to yellow eventually, or whiteish on amherst cases.
But this is scientific fact, not some one speculating or guessing. (oh and look at the leg color too, hens wont be that solid of a yellow)
100% male
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Here's Peepers a few months later and BBB was 100% correct (as well as everyone else who said male). Really I just wanted to show my bird a few months older. He used to be so tame and even though I feed him treats daily he still has to be coaxed into my lap or on my leg. I am trying to find pics of dad so I can show them; guess I'll add them later.

This a good example of how you CAN'T tame these birds for show. I spent every day with this bird from the time it was a chick, b/c he was a runt and I didn't think he would make it. I literally kept him in the house with me for the first two months of his life, and he wouldn't hush until he could sit on my lap or on my shoulder. Hence the name Peepers.

He is in a pen now and always comes to me when I enter, but he still has his wild nature. Take a look at his tale all flared out, that shows he is cautious. With all the questions BobwhiteQuailLover has asked, I just thought this would be a good time for this post.




BobwhiteQuailLover: see....your not the only one who tries to tame them. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE!!! If they want handeled they will let you know
yep, simply not freaking out and fling into the walls of the pens is often a big accomplishment with some species.
The best you can ever hope for is one like this, that will at least eat from your hand. But to try to grab them up and hold them, well they never like that. That's why that tail is spread in the pics. He's waiting for the owner to make a wrong move, and he'll be gone in a heart beat.
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Thank you very much BBB. I have a hen, Penny as I have dubbed her, that will be his companion. I have found pics of Peepers and Penny's sire (different males), but I am looking for their mothers which are also different. Penny & Peepers are not related, and I want to post pics of them all, but I don't know if this is the best thread as the title of the thread is about sexing a young male.

If it wouldn't be a hassle (question for the Mods I guess) I wouldn't care to post them in this thread. Truthfully it is just an excuse to show off my birds. Penny is 4 weeks older than Peepers and once I show photos of the males a good eye will notice the difference in them. I suppose I can wait to see if an Admin/Mod tells me no or whatnot. She will also eat out of my hand. Only 2 of 3 that will do that and always after dark or peanuts in hand

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