Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Can I ask you what kind of results or the level of your realistic expectations you are hoping for with all these hatchery stock birds ???. Just trying to wrap my mind about what you are working on ???.

looking for a slower growing(vs cx) good foraging wider breated bird. I bought 10 dc cocks with my ideal order because they did not have straight run at the time. I am hoping by crossing them to the faster growing rir i will still retain the wider breast but grow out a little faster than the dc. The other 9 dc that i processed had great carcasses
I see............... have you considered what type of results you would get if you used non hatchery stock ??.

yes but i havent been able to find breeders of anything nearby and have had no luck w/ mailed hatching eggs
in the end i am hoping to have mongrel chickens that will breed w/ good breasts the rest doesnt matter
Muffs and beards are incomplete dominates ; meaning one parent must have the beard inorder for the chicks to have it . I supppose a naked neck would not show it if it were bearded
. Chickens will stay fertile for quite awhile after be exposed to a roo , they say wait three weeks but I've heard of instances of them staying fertile over a month . Now if you want them to stat fertile they probably will not last a week .
The doctors told me no red meat after some heart attacks . While I do eat more poultry and fish than I used to , nothing beats a corn fed beef ribeye or prime rib and I'm not giving it up .

Just dropping in to say Hey, Iam heading to Sawnee in the Morning, big Poultry show there........... well the National's to be exact. Anyway's I have a ton of good Cornish folks to track down, visit with over row's of the finest birds in the country, How can ya beat that
. I have plans to aquire some super nice stock there and I'll post a few here of birds and the show if you like. This trip is going to give my Cornish program a real good shot in the arm, to make up for the dismal hatching season
. Pure parent seed trio's oooooohhhhhh man I am pumped.
................. oop's sorry. Anyway catch ya'll tonight or Sunday maybe.

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