Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Steve, why is that time seems to go by so fast in every occasion OTHER THAN chickens growing
. I love this little guy can't wait to see what the future holds! Thanks for keeping us updated. -Cortney
Thanks Cortney . I felt the same way while I watched Katy , Al , Jeff , and others post pictures of their crosses ; your time will come soon I hope .
Thak you EB . Its a cheap , still air , Hovabator ; ordered on sale at $88 with auto turner included . I wish I could afford better , but it works [ kinda
] . I'm new at running one , so ................................
I just figured out that cdennis is a girl!!!!
Cool!!! see guys ya'all got TWO girls who will talk to you.

Bird looks nice steve how's the hatch coming? oh I bet your on lock down . . .

I have the hova bator 1588, it was worth the up price from the still air. Wooden animal builds his own and they are amazing. Al built his own too it looks great in the pics but I haven't seen it in person. I heard a rumor that steve was building one . . .
I saw the " loving husband " mentioned twice ; but the CDennis still throws me at times LOL .
Thanks on the compliment , and wish I could have justified the extra $ for a 1588 , I'm sure its worth it .
Not sure about the hatch , but you're right , I'm locked down and hopeing and praying my mistakes have not killed them all .
Still have not located those scales . I'm sure its a lot smaller than my CX were at that age , and thats a good thing IMO . In the middle/late 1900s they had meat strains developed on Cornish crosses that looked pretty good dressed but took twice as long to grow a slightly smaller bird than today's commercial meaties ; so basicly I'm just trying to do the same but adding blue or green eggs to the mix . The early developers discovered specific strains within breeds that crossed together to produce faster developing offspring , and it was the beginning of the end for the true dual purpose or meat breeds . They exist only as either show strains or down sized hatchery strains for the most part now .

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