Red Silkies

No one has Red Silkies?
Sounds like a project.
Perhaps what I have are Ginger Buffs then. They have black in their tails and are much darker than any Buff colored breed I have seen. So, it got me thinkin'. I am hatching more eggs from the same breeder, so we will see what we get in 3 weeks.
Post some pics of yours, I'd love to see them! I have a very red boy, the one on the left in my avatar pic. He was born Partridge colored, and now is almost completely red or dark buff. Still not sure what he is yet.
A red silkie would be about the colour of a New Hampshire (or even darker), not the same hue as buff at all. I see more and more people think buff should be a pale yellow colour, and that is not correct. Buff is a vibrant "guinea gold" colour. In this instance, "guinea" refers to a gold coin, not bird. Males are darker than females, but still gold in colour.
Thanks for speaking up, Sonoran.
I see lots of pictures of Buffs on here and they are just so, well, Buff. Mine are just a gingery kind of color, not really red, not really buff. I will post pictures now that my laptop has been fixed. However, now my cameras all seem to be pooping out on my now.
We bought 3 Reds at an auction a few weeks ago. I would post pics but someone said you can't post pics until you have like 25 comments. I'm getting there! I could send you what we have to you email.

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