Red Spots On Pullet Feet...


7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
Elizabeth Colorado
I have 6 six-ish week old pullets in my brooder right now, and this evening as I was loving on them and settling them down for the night, I noticed that 2 of my RIRs have little red spots on their has only 1 and the other has 2....I got a picture...

Are they picking at each other? I am just wondering if these could be self inflicted or if maybe it is the other chicks...there are no other signs of injury. Should I separate them from the others?
pecking or scratching, if it hasnt changed at all you might not need to isolate but if they seeem to be botering her or if its gettting bigger then isolate they tend to zero in on anything red. My chickens sometimes get little specks on there feet or combs I always just figured someone pecked at sometihng

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