Reddening wattles and comb


9 Years
Aug 20, 2010
One of the girls is getting a bright red comb and wattles. I can tell they are suddenly much redder. Does this mean she is close to laying? She is about 19 weeks old.

Sounds like you'll getting eggs soon!
It depends on the breed, most of the hybrids have a tendency to lay early. My comets started at about 16 weeks and all my others took their own sweet time! LOL
They are all RIR. Two have had noticeable combs and wattles for a few weeks now, but one is super red. Two still have barely any. It's odd actually. It made me paranoid the other two were roos, but there are no pointy saddle feathers and no roo behaviors...and I posted pics on there and the vote was all pullets. I called the rancher who sold them to me and he said he's sure they are pullets, but would exchange if he seemed very confident and he's been doing this for the girls were already 3-4 months when I got them so he would know by then. Anyway, I'm hoping it's soon. I'm getting excited.

My RIR had very developed comb and wattles, very red, started laying after 23 weeks last Monday. 3 eggs in 4 days, so I imagine any day now!
thats how I knew my birds were going to start laying soon, I told my mom my andalusian was going to lay soon when I saw how red she was and she laid the next day gl hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long.
One of my other girls is getting really red faced, I'm hoping she starts laying next week, I already have on that is. Red faces usually tend to mean eggs are ob the way.
Woo hoo! I'll keep checking the boxes. I hope she uses them and doesn't find a nice place in the yard instead.

The very first egg I got was on the ground, and since then, she has been laying in the box. Occasionally, if I'm giving them a nice treat, she'll lay it on the ground, but she normally goes to her box.
Is she squatting yet? That's a sure sign. My RIR started to lay ~25 weeks. And, let me tell ya, it was worth the wait. Good Luck. Won't be long.

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