Regenerative Growth


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
I'm actually not sure what to call it.

I had a Naked Neck hen who, several years ago, had a nasty combination of scaley leg mites and frost bite, and both of her feet fell off.

She prospered, so I made adjustments for her (not to mention she was my personal favorite.)

Over the years, she grew a "toe".


it grew to almost twice that size by the time she died.

I've had chickens for a long time, and never seen anything like this. Just wondering if anyone else had?
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If that's on her ankle, that's a spur, like a rooster would have...My old lady Obelisk has started to grow one also...she's just turned 4.
My crowing hen Slifer had a 2 inch spur on both ankles. Sometimes old hens get them and some breeds the girls will get them.
i thought it might have been a spur also, but none of my chickens in 10 years have ever grown anything close to that.

maybe that's a "when your feet fall off" spur?
I agree it is a spur that grew out. I had a chick once lose the tip of her toe. Never got a real nail on it but a weird blobby piece of nail would grow out and fall off every once in a while.

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