Rehome a call duck

I am so happy for you! This made my weekend and I'm happy to hear you are doing okay, I'm sure this has been stressful. Hugs to you! :hugs
Thank you so much! I believe I have found a good home for him and he will have new friends there :)
Thanks! You’re too kind. I love everyone on this board, you think I’m nice for taking in ducks, there’s a few people in my life who think I’m nuts for doing it!

If the boys give him a hard time, I can make him a separate place and get him a girlfriend in the spring.
A "girlfriend" you say? Oh boy! He would love that :)
Webster has arrived! His Mom dropped him off this morning. Very sweet lady.
At first we were keeping him alone, then I put Bill, my black runner, and most friendly duck with him. Bill wanted nothing to do with the new guy! Turns out they all want nothing to do with him at this point.
We’ve got them all locked in the run, and are closely monitoring them from the kitchen window. I will seperate new guy for his own protection, assuming the impending snow doesn’t keep me home tomorrow.
My fawn and white runner, Brendan, has nipped at him, but Webster nips right back. The pekins, who are 4x his size are petrified of him! I know it will take time, but hoping they become friends soon.

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