Reluctantly back in the clucking world!

I have a bourbon red turkey hen (her name is Toffee and she acts like a little puppy dog), she's 2 1/2 years old and doing great! They are a heritage breed so they don't grow as big as the broad breasted ones and have less issues regarding to their size (so yes, heritage breeds usually live longer than broad breasted). Though I also have a massive broad breasted bronze tom (named Taco) who's the same age as Toffee and was a rescue, but he is kept on a diet to keep his weight in check. His favorite thing to do is forage. What breed are the white ones?
I have a bourbon red turkey hen (her name is Toffee and she acts like a little puppy dog), she's 2 1/2 years old and doing great! They are a heritage breed so they don't grow as big as the broad breasted ones and have less issues regarding to their size (so yes, heritage breeds usually live longer than broad breasted). Though I also have a massive broad breasted bronze tom (named Taco) who's the same age as Toffee and was a rescue, but he is kept on a diet to keep his weight in check. His favorite thing to do is forage. What breed are the white ones?

I see two roosters.

What do you see??
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