Remember me? LOL! Ugh!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 13, 2014
I am starting to think that others were right in this third batch of chickens (for those new to my story, the breeder gave me 5 out of 6 roos last batch and eventually replaced them with another 6 "hens" AFTER we had 4 of 5 killed by a predator)... I think both the barred rock types and our white bird are roos, too. This would be comical if it weren't so frustrating!! :(

Do hens ever have pointy saddle feathers? The white chicken has definite points coming out now. The one barred rock I caught, I think his feathers look more pointy and he has little spur nubs on his feet. The other barred rock looks very much like him as far as feathering and size, though I've not caught that one to look for spurs. I assume hens never have spur nubs. either, right? I am not 100% sure on their ages, as the breeder did not tell us that when we were trading out, but I am estimating 24-26 weeks.

I will try to get pictures asap to confirm, but it is looking like rain and my 3 year old has been off the chain today. I do think the 3 BCM types we now have are all female and I am still not 100% on the red one, but am leaning that way. It's such a pretty bird, I sure hope she is a she.

We still have NO eggs and no one is crowing, that we've heard. I am so discouraged by all this. Is it really THAT hard to raise a handful of hens for fresh eggs? :(

For reference, the pics of this set when we came home is here:
Hens can indeed have spur buds, and some even grow some wicked pointy spurs as time goes on. But pointed feathers are a male trait only. You just have to be sure the actual feather itself is pointed, not just an optical illusion caused by coloring. This happens mostly on laced birds, on your barred and white birds it should't be as much of an issue. Looking forward to pics.
Hens can indeed have spur buds, and some even grow some wicked pointy spurs as time goes on. But pointed feathers are a male trait only. You just have to be sure the actual feather itself is pointed, not just an optical illusion caused by coloring. This happens mostly on laced birds, on your barred and white birds it should't be as much of an issue. Looking forward to pics.
Grrr! I know for certain that my white bird, Luna, has developed pointy feathers off his back near his tail. They are pointed to me, at least. The one BR, I caught and looked up close. Hubby says they look rounded, but they look pointy to me. Both the BR are very similar is size and look, so what one is, the other will be. They are both getting new feathers and both are getting fancier tails. I am just so discouraged by this. I don't think this guy could pick a hen to save his life if he wanted to! :( Should I even bother to ask to trade them again?

Why aren't my girls laying yet? They get lots of good organic food, cut up local veggies, we give them fresh ground everyday and they peck and scratch like crazy. I just started adding Bragg's ACV to their water, too. I feel like they should be by now, but maybe they aren't as old as I thought?
I can get some pointy and blunt pictures for you ! My polish roos are excellent examples. So I just need to catch a hen.... but it may be a different breed, same concept. I can possible get hackles pics, but saddles are easier to tell from.

and, most chickens start to lay at 6th months, though I have heard some start as early as 4 month
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Ok, finally, pictures! They would NOT hold still, so I got bits and pieces, sorry!

These are all "Betty"... the yellow footed BR

Luna, the white one

This one was tougher, "Wilma", the grey footed BR

And please confirm my Lucy is a hen... she's my favorite!

Betty looks like a dark Barred Rock or Black Sex Link Cockerel. Wilma looks like a black sex link cockerel. Lucy looks like a pullet. I"m not sure about Luna.

ETA: after reading your original post... Yes, it can be this hard to raise hens if you buy them from people that don't vent sex, and may or may not be honest when selling older birds.
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Yeah, that was what I was afraid of! :( I can keep one to six, right? He will crow eventually, though, right? Not sure how that will go over with the neighbors! This is nuts! I seriously don't think I want to do round 4 with this breeder!

Anyone in the PeeDee area of SC want some even tempered (for now) cockerels? They've been fed well! *sigh*

I will try to get better pictures of Luna tomorrow. I would swear I am seeing pointy feathers on that one, too.

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