Repost from Runner Club eggs


6 Years
Jul 19, 2013

These are eggs from my 4 Blue Mountain Runners (the 4 left) and my Fawn/White Runners. Fawn/whites started laying last fall. They all started the 3rd week of Jan. I get 6 eggs almost every day.
Out of curiosity I have never heard of Blue Mountain runners (is this a color?) I've honestly only heard of Blue Cumberland Runner Ducks. These are nice eggs, I'm excited because I'll be getting some runner ducks this year too. (Pencilled I think) Runners are known for their laying ability too, how do your eggs taste?

These are my fawn/whites and BM runners. That is what the papers said when I ordered. They are a grey with blueish hues at times. As for the eggs they are a bit stronger than my chickens but we mostly use them in baking. I have a couple that buy my duck eggs. Helps to pay for supplemental feed.
I just went to place where I purchased them and this year they call them Blue Indian Runner or Blue Cumberland. Thant is probably where blue mountain came from. But they are in the Indian Runner group.

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