Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency) scroll down a ways and you'll see some info on chick chairs and slipped tendons etc.

Thank you so much! I do try to massage her legs and stretch them, but gently. They are so stiff though that I'm afraid to hurt her. I'll try the coconut oil. Here are some more photos so you can see...The other one (Smeagol) seems to be getting worse as far as being able to balance...her hips are so off. Otherwise her hocks aren't very enlarged and her legs bend properly...
With massage though doing it like you are you may get more range of motion and who know giving the B's may just get them to where they can have a pretty decent life with someone willing to care for them. Are you planning on keeping them?
With massage though doing it like you are you may get more range of motion and who know giving the B's may just get them to where they can have a pretty decent life with someone willing to care for them. Are you planning on keeping them?

That's what I was thinking. The joints do move, but they are just really stiff. I am planning on keeping them, I just have to figure out how I will care for them if they do not improve. They have a lot of personality and are otherwise acting like normal little ducklings!
Those definitely look treatable. Assuming each duckling consumes it all, you can give each one 10 mg of niacin each. And each tablespoon has 20 mg. If they were mine, I would hold back water for an hour. Then give them a concentrated amount. I can’t remember how many you said you had. But assume 1TBS per 2 ducklings.

It sounds like you’ve already done some research. There are other BYCers who have treated the foot with a cardboard and tape. The foot slowly uncurls as it grows. Kinda like a club foot in humans.
Those definitely look treatable. Assuming each duckling consumes it all, you can give each one 10 mg of niacin each. And each tablespoon has 20 mg. If they were mine, I would hold back water for an hour. Then give them a concentrated amount. I can’t remember how many you said you had. But assume 1TBS per 2 ducklings.

It sounds like you’ve already done some research. There are other BYCers who have treated the foot with a cardboard and tape. The foot slowly uncurls as it grows. Kinda like a club foot in humans.

I sure hope so! I know they are already about 4 weeks-ish, so I wasn't sure if they could recover anymore, but they do seem to be gaining strength anyway. I don't have niacin particularly (well, I do but it's the non-flushing kind that I can't give them) but tomorrow their liquid B vitamin complex will be here and it has 40 mg of niacin per serving (serving size says two tbsp) so I could give each one a half of a tablespoon. It has riboflavin and thiamine and biotin (and others) so I figure that will cover all of my bases deficiency wise. I really hope it helps them! I will withhold water before dosing. I'm super excited to start the vitamin treatment.

I also just tried the "chick cup/chick basket" on the website suggested by Miss Lydia (thank you!) and it actually seems to help for Smeagol who's hips are off. I am going to try the "chick doughnut" for her too.
Also, are you sure on the age? I have Pekins that are about 2.5 weeks old and they look the same size. But you can’t tell from pictures sometimes. This picture was from Sunday.........

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You know, I was wondering about that. My friend told me they were about 3.5 weeks old when he got them, and that was 5 days ago but today I was trying to remember what my ducks looked like at that age and I felt like they were bigger/a little more goony looking (if that makes sense?) haha. If they are younger, that would be a good thing because I feel like they will have a better chance of growing out of this...
The shoe is easy to make also I think on that same link it tells you how to make it. If not we'll give you directions this will help hold the feet in proper position.

All I can say is your very special to help these lil ones.

aww, thank you Miss Lydia. I just feel so bad that they were basically thrown out like trash and they are happy little peepers despite what has happened to them. I am wondering about the shoe..should I wait and try the vitamins first to see if the joints become less stiff? even her feet are hard to unfold because the ankles are stiff. don't want to injure her :/

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