Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

Well if the therapeutic dose is 10X the normal daily amount you should be just fine. Now if it was someone with 0 common sense, probably not. :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau waterfowl contraptions&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=handicapped waterfowl contraptions&sc=0-34&sk=&cvid=35F7899E04FC4C0CB996DC716F0FEC83 ignore the pics of hunters and their kill but there are some really good ideas for handicapped birds on here. This similar to what I was talking about with the chair.

I have Smeagol in a basket for now, but plan on finding her a more suitable one. I love the sling! I wonder if I could make something for her/them out of an old arm sling! I can sew also, so I will figure something out if need be :) Second dosing of vitamins this morning and more stretching of Gollum's legs. I have continued the yeast in the food as well. They will have their PT session after I get back from my PT session today :lau
I am at a loss as of what to do today...Smeagol is not improving and somehow her legs seem to be worse. Every time I think I've gotten somewhere with her it's like one step forward and five steps back. I have no idea how to help her and am not sure what could be wrong other than a structural deformity. She can't stay standing at all. I thought her swimming was getting okay (yesterday she was paddling alternating her feet) but today she's right back to only kicking one leg at a time and spinning herself in circles. It's like she CAN use the legs okay but her brain isn't telling her body to do it right. She doesn't walk at all even though she could walk a couple steps when I first got her. I don't know how anything I'm doing could have made it worse. Every time I touch her to help her up or hold her while she eats, her instinct is just to push with her feet, so she pushes to stand up, but the feet don't move at all. I feel like it's neurological decline or something. Gollum on the other hand seems stronger and is growing fast, but she still walks on her hocks and won't straighten her legs out. I am running out of ideas :hit:th
It's so sad when you do all you can think of and nothing works or helps. If this is neurological with Sméagol there is still hope with the liquid B's It may not work in a few days but as long as she isn't declining as far as not eating not drinking not pooping and seems depressed then I'd give it a little more time. Oh sure I am not the one having to care for these ducklings so I can sit here and say give them more time, so I will say your the only one who can make the decision on whether their quality of life isn't ever going to change so they will be happy ducks. It's such a sad thing when they thrive in other ways but can't walk.
Gollum may never be able to walk normal either heartbreaking to be sure. So all I can say is to either decide this is as far as it goes or give them more time. I am sure you will make the best decision for them. :hugs
I meant to say...yeah, I am pretty disappointed that someone let the ducklings get this way. I would think large chains that sell poultry would know that ducks need niacin....I don't want to bash, but these babies were rescued from a TSC where I live. I normally love that store (not for buying poultry ducks were ordered from Metzer) but I am just beside myself as to how they let them get this way and did nothing about it...I realize they have a lot to look after but this is soooo preventable that it's sad. The poor things. A friend of mine bought some ducklings there and they just "threw these in for free" with the they just pawned them off on him and he (being brand new to ducks) had no idea what to do.
I don't want to bash either, but that's exactly how I got my ducks! They were the little runty ones getting trampled and my daughter rescued them away from the masses and told an employee. He basically just gave them to her with some unemotional comment about them just getting "thrown away" anyway. My muscovy from there is very bow legged / pigeon toed and her toes almost face each other she is so bow legged, but with her huge strong wings and help from us she does well. But I think that when their legs are this bad and it's more than just splay leg, all the niacin in the world won't help. It is sad...very sad and it's a shame that this happens. It doesn't matter to me though, because she is an awesome creature! She is so smart and wonderful!!
I have nothing to add as I'm a new duck parent of year olds, but I've been watching this thread and hoping your little ducky is ok. You're such a great person to be helping her so much. Only you can make the right decision on how to proceed, I think a little more time might help, but like Miss Lydia said, I'm not the one who has to administer all this care. I hope whatever the outcome, you find peace in the fact you've done all you can and sometimes that's the best we can do. Good luck. We're all here for you.

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