Rescue Remedy - Bach Flower Remedies


9 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Gotta tell you this story!

I have 4 hens, 3 different breeds. The two largest pick on the smaller ones in the usual ways and the oldest one seems to have been traumatized to the point where she basically hadn't laid an egg in months and even then maybe only a half dozen in the last year.

So a few months ago I started learning about Bach remedies and then I discovered their 'Rescue Remedy' which is a combo of four of the remedies.

You can learn about them here They re very cheap to buy in any health food store.

If occurred to me that maybe I could help the chickens with the trauma, so I put 8 drops of Rescue Remedy in their drinking container. It's one of those plastic things with probably a gallon or four litres of water.

Anywho, it was either the next day or two days later that the chicken in question started laying and has laid daily since then, maybe missing one day out of a month.

I do not sell the RR, but I have to say that it is incredible. Might want to try it as a normal thing. That is what I do. Every time I reload the water container I do 8 drops.
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