Rescued abandoned chicken - has white butt, barely eating, watery yellow poo w black pieces

Wow Kathy, you are very knowledgeable and so kind in sharing these links with great information. THANK YOU! SO MUCH!!!!!

I wasn't able to get the tubing here in my hometown. I did soak her in a nice warm bath of Epsom salts...massaged her...put a finger in her vent about an inch and a half...didn't feel any egg. But when I feel from the outside...I think I feel one a bit below her could it be in her Uterus? (looking at the diagrams) I got the calcium. Put a couple of tablets in water...but she refused to drink any of it. So took another tablet, put in a little water, added it to her starter food and she wouldn't eat it from the spoon, finger nor bowl. I took a gob of it and put it on a rock and she ate about a table spoon. She was close to the food bowls but I didn't see her eat anything else. It was a warm day I let her out of the cage I had set up for her...but she just basically stood there, then sat...then put her beak under her wing. I'm back to work tomorrow. I thought it was the egg thing. Now I wish I had taken the day to drive to the next town to get the worm meds and tubes to feed her. I dunno...

Can you take a syringe and get it in her without it going down the wrong tube?

I'm getting the sad is sort of pitiful to watch. Seems like she is trying so hard to hang on while I try to figure all this stuff out. I wouldn't have done so without you Kathy.


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Her little vent was 'contracting' and moving. This happens when I move her feathers or it happened while bathing. As is almost like she is 'breathing' from this area. Does this normally happen or could this be a sign of egg binding? Peace, Shelly
Will try again to locate supplies to tube feed. She is going to die if I don't try. Found this: Thanks for posting all this information. (Send her some loving and healing energy - can only help eh) - Shelly
If you cannot locate proper supplies,you can use aquarium tubing(this is what i use)with a syringe. For feed,i make up my own using baby pablum(i use pablum as baby bird feed is not available where i live) ground chicken feed,water with electrolytes as the base,then add wet cat food,and whatever else i decide they need.
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Hi Chicken Obsessed and Kathy!
I've have four 16 FR cathetor and four 60ml syringes.
Based on the weight of 4.6 much will I have to give and how often?
I can't find baby bird I was thinking of starter with vitamin/electorlye powder and warm water to make it into a gruel. Pablum would be a great suggestion CO! Hopefully she is still alive when I get home to do this.

I sure hope all goes will with this. Off at work at 2pm...

Warmest regards to you guys for giving me the courage to do this!

I would start with a small amount of warmed sugar water, maybe 10-30ml and see how she dos with that. If she doesn't vomit, give another 10-30ml, check her crop, there should be a slight bulge, if you *can't* feel a bulge, tube more until you can, but it should be a small bulge, not large, otherwise you risk her vomiting and aspirating.

Do not give her any more baths, bathing is very stressful and could send her over the edge. The bulging of the vent is something that I have seen in hens with repro problems like oviduct cancer, ascites and EYP, so don't get your hopes up, tubing will not cure her, it will just buy some time to figure out what's wrong with her.

How much and how often varies... I have one hen the size of your hen that gets 120ml twice a day, but others will vomit when I give them more than 30ml. If you're going to wrap her in a towel, be careful, don't put pressure on her crop as that can cause them to vomit.

The hydration rule of thumb according to the book set "Clinical Avian Medicine" is 30ml/kg every 6-8 hours (30ml per 2.2 pound) and that hydration must be corrected before feeding. The nice thing about Kaytee is that the instructions tell you what % water you're giving based on the ratio of food to water, so once hydrated, you can feed just the Kaytee and you don't have to give any water.

Woops...poop...I didn't see this message until afterwards Kathy...that was an excellent try the water/sugar first...after so many days with very little food. Never thought of that till I read your post.

So she ended up getting the full meal deal!

Hopefully she'll be ok.

It went really easy actually.
I broke out in a complete sweat with fear...but Kevin held "Thelma" with a towel gently wrapped around her...her head wiggled free from me the first two times I tried to put the tube down...and then I just gave myself a 'self talk' "OK...I can do this." and it went in so EASY! It slid right down.

I didn't have the Kaylee Baby Bird I put starter in warm water, added a dash of probiotics...a crumble of a calcium vitamin, a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar, a 1/2 teaspoon of Greek 0% fat yogurt...and put it in my Nutrabullet blender for about 20 seconds. I had to add more water as the first time it would not draw up the syringe. I marked the cathader, and just felt her crop...and I felt it in there. First feeding: 2:45pm on October 18th. She is in the house in a cage, warm, sitting down, but alert. Eyes blinking quickly and open.

Technology is pretty from across North America! WOW! Pretty cool. What a wonderful have your help. Good karma! I live in a very rural fishing community in Nova Scotia...population 6 hometown is 30 minutes away, and about 1000 people. Definitely needed your support to pull this off. I'll keep checking her crop. Her poop was BAD BAD BAD through the night. I'll post a photo later.

No doubt she is quite sick and might not pull through....but I've tried (with your help) just about everything.

Peace and blessings,


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