Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

I just read your story! Good for you on saving Floyd. My condolences on Ellinette. You gave her a good loving home. I can't tell you how many pets of mine have died with my best intentions. I worked in a pet store and for a veterinarian and learned that some things are just meant to be. Good luck on Floyd. I've got my fingers crossed!
Thanks Mommissan! Your post makes me feel a lot better. I'm very sorry for your losses too

AAAAAND the boyfriend is headed right now to get some Wazine from Tractor Supply!
I hope this will transform Floyd's life into a better one!
Hopefully, soon, Floyd will be on the mend and you'll be able to sit back and ENJOY instead of worrying all the time.

What a nice boyfriend
I'm so happy Floyd is doing better, and now that you know he has worms you can take care of it and he will be at his best in no time at all. Take my advice and don't listen to that man who told you to stop the corid. Corid is also a preventative against coccidiosis which kills many young chickens, and is very catchy for the other chicks. I adopted 3 chicks from someone and they had coccidiosis. They passed away because they were already sick when i got them, but treating my others prevented them from catching it. Good luck worming Floyd, and keep us posted!!

Coccidiosis is pretty scary. The only thing that made me stop it is that I wanted to get some vitamins in him since the two cannot be mixed (as far as I know), but I guess it's not working for crap if he's got an infestation of roundworms taking all his nutrients. I want to beat those things up inside him! Rip them all the pieces and stomp them then light the torch!
They're probably what took Elinette. Floyd is a pretty strong boy. To have lacked heat and having an infestation and still being alive enough to run around eating bugs. But I'm learning from everyone on this forum that the guy at the feed store just was pulling stuff out of his, ahem, and the lady who actually had knowledge wouldn't give me the time of day.

Any ideas how fast the Wazine will begin to start killing those evil parasites?
I think eaating the bugs probably helped to save him. I know when Clara was on her last legs, she wouldn't eat ANYTHING, it was all just stopping in her crop, her kidneys pretty much shut down from the gout. I still had a half dozen crickets, so I opened the bag next to her and BAM,BAM,BAM,BAM... those crickets didn't know what hit them. I think the movement of the bugs triggers a reflex that overrides the fact that they really aren't hungry. So if he begins to not eat again... bring him some bugs, it may help. So see, so far you have been doing good!
I'm sorry, i have no idea. I haven't gone through the worming thing yet, although i'm sure i will sooner or later?? Did you give him the Wazine yet? Let us know how he does with it. He will be his happy little self again in no time!!
If you can't get him to drink the water with the Wazine in it, or you can't get him to take it out of a dropper, add a small amount of sugar in it or sugar and koolaid mix. The sweetness will make him want to drink it. It also works to get them to drink the water with Corrid in it when they are really sick.
The person who told you to clean the pasty butt was right and I'm glad you did. When they have pasty butt, it closes off their vent and they can't poop. That is probably why you were only getting the little bit of white out of him (which is actually their pee). Once you cleaned off the pasty butt, he was able to poop everything out.
He probably picked up the worms from wherever he was before the cat found him. That would make a lot of sense. I agree with the others about keeping him on the corrid, too.
One thing you can do on this forum, if you have a question about worming him and there aren't many people responding in this section, is ask the question in the Emergency, Diseases, section. Someone may see your question over there and help you if we can't.
I'm glad to see he is starting to eat on his own again. You could always buy some crickets if you had too! I'm planning to get some over the winter for my girls to keep them entertained on cold days in the coop.
Wazine has been administered into their drinking water! I did have to force him to drink some and he doesn't look happy about it. I think I'm going to toss some sugar in it like you said to make him want to drink it. Going to take away the yogurt since that might not be making him thirsty. And yes, the cleaning of his vent really did the trick to get his poop to come out. He's pooping mostly regular poops besides the occasional dark bloody ones. I'm going to clean it again tomorrow morning.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the Wazine gets all those nasties out and he makes it through this
I don't think those are blood, alot of my chicks make that brown gooey poo, mostly when they get scared. Its pretty normal, along with the foamy poo.

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