Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

I also read through this whole thread! I love your story and will keep reading. I loved the video you posted hehe
oh my what a story! So glad to that you are saving Floyd. Such a journey it is.

My condolences on Ellinette, it's always hard, not matter what size the pet is - I think you're right, she had a good life while she was here.

I look forward to the next updates on your chickies.
We bought our chicks a big 250 watt red light like the feed store recommended but let me tell you, if you don't have very many chicks that thing is way to big. We ended up getting a 60 watt red reptile light, and we still had to hang it pretty far up from the cage. If you haven't bought a new light yet (since your old one broke), that's what I suggest you get. you don't want your chickies to die from overheating...

As for the boiled egg, mine would never eat them either. Weirdos.
So this morning I wake up and what do I hear? Floyd talking and fussing at me to go get him more yogurt! Since he still wasn't drinking by himself last night I started mixing half yogurt and half of his water in there. He, with probably a little help from the fatty Calissa, drank the whole 1/3 cup of yogurt/dewormer water while I was asleep last night! This morning I jumped up and got him more of the yogurt and water mix and he slurped a lot down. I think he's spoiled.

What makes me the most excited about his progress is that he had enough energy to try and jump out of the tub to get to me and the fact that right now as I type the little cutie is picking through his feed and eating out the big pieces
I think this is the first time in a few days he's shown interest in actually wanting to EAT the feed. Last night before I fell asleep I noticed he passed another large adult roundworm. This time it wasn't moving
I got it out of their pin and tossed the evil thing in the toilet. I think I'm supposed to stop the Wazine water after about a full 12 or so hours of them drinking it so I'll switch back to Corid water later today.

Thank you motochick, Ersula, and Red Rooster for the kind words. Uncle Tommy, I hope you're right. I trust your opinion so I just won't worry about what he passes. It's been looking normal for the most part.

I'm going to take my babies outside again when it gets up to 75-78 today. High is 82. Man I love Alabama
So happy your dude is perking up. Kill those little buggers. We've been battling lice around our place all summer. Can't get rid of them. I'd almost prefer worms! No, scratch that. Too gross. Way too gross. Gives me the chills thinking about worms. I'll take the lice.
hooray! I'm glad Floyd is doing better! My chicks are going stir crazy, its been raining and cold the last few days, but its supposed to climb back into the 80 for the next week. <3 California...till it starts getting into the 30s...or over 110.
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We get terrible, TERRIBLE flea and tick problems down here, but I've never had an issue with lice. They get on chickens? Going to google them and see what they look like.

Okay uh.. wow they're tiny. Do they get on you at all? I've noticed some white specs on Floyd, but figured they were kind of like a chicken dandruff. I hope you get rid of your lice infestation. It sounds like a pain.

I just saw your post Mudsow. I've been so busy trying to recover Floyd. I'm so sorry again about Clara. She was GORGEOUS and she's the sole reason that I want to get some Dominques or Barred rocks. She's been an inspiration
They're such beautiful birds.

Is gout something that affects a bird's crop? I've read some stuff on crop surgery, but it really seems to stress out the bird a lot especially if you don't have access to any anesthetic. Could it be a last resort for something like gout?
Uncle Tommy, you make me sick.
The boyfriend has been wanting to relocate to San Diego for awhile now because of the amazing weather. He says it's like 75 all year round. It's tempting. I HATE snow.

(edit: of course I'm teasing about the making me sick part!)
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Guess who is drinking now by himself now and is preferring his chick feed over yogurt.
Tumped over his food bowl with his face in it just a-munching!
After the 24 hour of Wazine17 his ass is getting back on the Corid!

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