rescued kitten********oh no i think we're losing him *****ud 1st post

I am so sorry.
Those poor kitties!
I am so sorry about your cat.

As for the kitten, you tried to save him and are doing your best which is more than the kitten's owner ever did. At least if the kitten passes he will know he was cared for.

On a side note, I worked at a cat specialty hospital and every spring we had to give transfusions to dying kittens due to flea infestations. It only takes about 10-15 cc's of whole blood that makes the difference between life an death for a kitten. People really need to know that fleas do kill and get rid of them immediately.
I am really sorry about both the kitties. You did well by the kitten, sometimes they are too far gone or just not meant to live. As for your other cat -- that description sounds really creepy I hope you found out what got her.
i have no idea what got him.

i have a suspition that it was the peoples dog who own the country store thru the pasture behind me.... he's loose about 3x a week and ALWAYS beelines here ( we have two outside kenneled dogs he harasses).

i don't know if i should ask if he was out and then maybe mention my cat appears injured/killed/missing?

i dont want to flat out accuse them, because it could be anything really! but if he killed my cat i feel like they need to wake up and keep him home.
First I am so sorry about your cat! Poor little kitten too, but you gave him lots of love before he passed which is all that matters.

As for the store's dog that gets loose, you absolutely need to mention it to them. They may not be aware he comes straight to your property - then again they may. What I would do is first ask if they know he gets loose frequently, then mention he visits your property when he does. If they ask how long he's been doing it and why haven't you mentioned it before, let them know you didn't want to bother them when he was just barking at your kenneled dogs but there is now a cat missing and it has become a concern.

Good luck and be prepared for them to be defensive but it's got to be done.
they know, they come straight here to look for him.

I've also taken him home a bunch of times.

I think that I'm going to tell them that a cat is missing and that Tina will now be protecting the animals with a gun ( of course, neither of us could actually SHOOT a dog that we know but maybe that will wake them up. )

We're working on fencing everything in for the chickens, at which point I will get two more kittens and raise them with the flock like i did with the monkey man and they will be locked in the barn area.
Did I miss something? Did the kitten actually die? Last I saw (updated post #1) It was not doing well at all, but not dead yet...?
I am so very sorry for your cat troubles. Hang in there and know we are wishing you the best
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There has been no definite word on the kitten. What happened to the kitten????
I'm sorry about your outdoor kitty!
I had one disappear like that some years ago. After much searching I found one of her paws...a coyote got her, I think.
awww, i am so sorry for your loss, poor little kitten...
but at least it was loved and well cared for, you did all you could him/her and im sure it knows that and appreciates your efforts.
again i am so sorry for your loss but know that you did all you could and im sure the kitten appreciated your efforts.

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