Rescued this fine young man after somebody dumped him

My first thought is a Light Brahma.. I would welcome some help from the experts though.
Definitely not a Light Brahma.


As you can see, your fellow doesn't have feathered feet, pea comb, and is missing the black feathers in his hackles.

Delawares are probably the closest pure breed to him, but I don't believe he is pure.


I would guess that he is a mix.
Follow up on curby. I realized he was no longer in his pen. Searched until dark . Oddly his tiny hen was also gone. After frantic hiking and searching, I looked in his barn as last resort and see his hen, Almond, on the floor. Scooped her up and brought her in to cuddle and calm. For whatever reason, mite/lice check, just because once over, or just something said to, I hoisted her rear up to the light but I didn't need any light to see what insaw.sorry should have warned. So off go research all I can about prolapse. I don't know if Curby is responsible or she was out of oyster shell for too long. It was about two weeks. So I washed her bottom of carefully in the bathtub. I gently repositioned what was hanging out back inside I used the microcyn first and neosporin as a lubricant to ease her outsides back in. I applied microcyn to ward infection and lastly neosporin because I swear I have seen miracles with Neosporin. I then tucked her in a small carrier with soft blanket, oyster shell , medicated chick starter and water, and prayed. To be honest I thought I was saying goodbye to her. She had been such a good hen over time and we had co-parented so many babies. I really thought this was it. By morning I tentatively raised the carrier lid off and behold! My hen was bright eyed, had eaten and more importantly not feed! She did leave something she had passed which I recognized as a shell-less egg. So it appears she was egg bound. This morning her cloaca is neat as a I don't know, purse? Miracle. Pooping like a champ. Low lighting so she will hopefully not try to lay an egg.. I know we're not totally out of the woods yet, but I feel cleanliness, love, medication and time, my litter Almond Roca will troop on. Thank you to everyone who read this long novel!
View attachment 2520655Hello. As mentioned my husband and I were on our way to town. On the road just off the main highway we spot this poor fellow walking around loose in the rain. We know almost all the chicken keepers on our hill and surrounding areas and there wasn't any houses in the area near enough for him to get to. My husband supposed that his people must have really wanted to get rid of him because the location we found him in was so isolated and they hadn't even tried to get him off the main highway, and in fact they didn't even pull off the highway. I managed to catch him and we immediately got him home and fed and tucked in. I'm trying to identify what breed he may be. My first thought is a Light Brahma.. I would welcome some help from the experts though.
A side note... We live on an isolated road, only house, forest just past us. I have lived there for 15 years and in that time have seen people dump unwanted cats, dogs, chickens, and drug paraphernalia. I'm so tired of it. I don't know what kind of an animal would dump off a defenseless domestic animal to fend for itself. I have successfully rescued a lot of them but not all. I wonder if the person who dropped the unwanted animal considered what would happen to it. Do they think a dog will revert back to the wild ancestry it hasn't known in 15,000 years? Or a cat? The grim reality is they have no idea how to survive on their own and if they don't get lucky enough to get picked off by one of the many predators, then they will slowly and painfully starve to death. That is unthinkable for anybody who loves animals to comprehend. I considered hanging a sign at the end of the road encouraging anyone with a pet they are no longer wanting to care for to please save a step and drop it off at my house where I can find a home for it. But i don't think anyone would do it. Anyway My new rooster has been named Curby as in kicked to the Curb. He's beautiful and big and I already have fallen in love with him and I would wish the same for all of the homeless treasures out there.🐓🐔🐣🐤🐥🦉🦅
He is beautiful and thank you for being his hero❤️ Majority of humans suck!!! I find animals alll the time. Right now I have 4 rescued kittens. Rescued the momma WHILE she was giving birth she was sooo thin etc. she died shortly after delivering them😢 I have been bottle feeding them etc. they are now about 5 weeks. I have thankfully already found homes for them to call their own when they are about 10 weeks. I have rescued just about everything at one point or another. And people wonder why I prefer animals to people. Again thank you for saving that sweet soul
He's a mix. I don't see any Brahma in him at all and I wouldn't even say Delaware for sure either. He has a similar pattern but with mixes similar doesn't really mean a lot.
Follow up on the curbster... I finally had to rehome him. He proved to be more bird thani could handle. I regret this decision and I miss him. I look out at his empty pen and wonder if he misses me? I had to do this for my flock family. My birds are all Bantam. He would squish them like a bug on a windshield. Hope he's doing better in his new home.
A side note for your rescue. I rescue too. It’s one of the most thankless endeavors one can get into. Of course for the animal rescued it is an amazing chance so it is very worthwhile on a personal level and one-to-one. BUT to not quarantine him is a disservice to your other chickens. And to put him in a pen with your hens could be a fatal mistake to them.
It truely does warm my heart to hear this rescue story! There are some in this world who don’t have the intelligence to see how beautiful and amazing chickens and animals on the whole are. To me he looks like a Delaware x. Hopefully he enjoys the rest of his life in your loving home! :)
I am happy your choosing to give this rooster a chance but be wary.People often dump off roosters because they are being mean but more often it’s because the rooster has a bad temperament or is abusive toward hens!Watch him carefully.
I'm kinda starting to see that. He's bit me 3 times, and I dumbly put two Bantam Cochin cross with him and one came running up to my sliding glass door two nights ago wanting in. Trying to chalk it up to new momma, new home, new barn, but I am definitely on the watch.

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