"rescued' yet another one... (graphic pictures)

She is looking so good! I love those two cute tail feathers. Thank you for posting the update photos. I see more white downies on her and even a few small feathers on her head Coming in. Just love this bird.
me too. She is such a good girl. during the last few days, the coop has gotten to around 55 or so, I took her coat off and let her go for the day without it. She was so happy to preen the few feathers coming out on her back. She didnt seem to be cold, and when the later afternoon came, on went her coat for nighty night.

I now have a hen that has never molted much in her two and a half years starting a heavy molt I think. she is dropping feathers left and right over the last 24 hours. i thought she was getting sick the last week or so, lethargic, sitting around, fluffed up a little an looking just uncomfortable. Poops good, eyes good, eating fine. I was worried until I picked her up and about 6 or 7 feahters fell out in my hand. Her feathers are all broken, freyed and looking really nasty so she definitly needs to molt, but NOW??????
You heat your coop a little-right fishnet? I know they recommend not but I gotta tell ya we had -18 f this am and I did stick a 75 watt black light in the coop last night. I'm afraid of the big heat bulbs catching fire. The coop at roost level was 4 degrees. One rooster with frost nipped wattles a bit. But overall reassured after such a cold night
I tell you though if I had a bird without feathers I might try a little more heat myself. That'sfor sure. This wintering chickens I find it a balancing act. Ive got my weather channel app always loading the hourly temps! :lol:
I do the same with the weather channel app. I am obsessed with it. lol.

Yea I heat the coop somewhat. I know, I know, dont need to but I do anyway. We had 9 degrees this am, and the coop was 45 at 7 this morning with a 250 watt bulb. Hope had her little felt coat on and was bopping about happily. Daytona, the molting one was huddled on the perch but seemed ok. A little cold, but we will have to deal with it! Time to make her a little felt coat as well probably when she starts dropping feathers worse. I have used the 250 watt bulbs for years now, and havent had a scare yet knock on wood. If I didnt have a way to heat when the power goes out, or we have an emergency, I wouldnt, but there is a 98% way for me to keep them 35 degrees or above all the time (even if the power goes out) They have their own small generator if it is ever needed thanks to a friend who was throwing one out and a handy mechanic of a DH. My house is suplimented with a wood stove, and if it ever went out and the backup went out, they have a nice laundry room to stay warm in if needed. If that fails, my garage is heated with a Propane vented heater.
yea FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! and it seems that none of the other girls are picking at them at all either!!!!!
It is really been a slow process with the feathers. I thought it would be quicker, but hey, I am new to this one. She is still such a pistol! Ms. attitude to you! It is nice to see her finally fitting in with the other 9 fine. 'Bird has had his way with her, and I really was worried about that because she is so small in size, but she fared just fine. He wing dances her with the best of them.

Her tail feathers look so darn ratty and dirty though. I am hoping she will preen them. "DONT MAKE me take some shampoo, conditioner and a hair dryer to them Hope!" I threatened her last night.
Fishnet: my Black Australorp got a bare "back of her head" from my young Roo this fall. I would say October she was bare. Then she did her winter shut down for eggs here in November--so no mating going on. Just in the last two weeks the feathers on the back of her head grew back. I think it's a 3 month process in my estimation. Is that what it seems like to you with your experience. I know the winter months, though, it seems like forever...

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