"rescued' yet another one... (graphic pictures)

Here she is today!



She snuck outside on her own! First time she was calm and ok enough to go out if she wanted too. She enjoyed it after getting over some of the skittishness.

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na, she won't get to head hen - well at least not for a few years Robin. She is still skittish around the rest. She has gotten above my 2 Cochins and Americana though. They stay out of her way. So she is #7 out of 10. I wish she wasnt so scared of everything and everyone. Time, she needs time and will come around. It breaks my heart still to see how she was treated. The rest of the flock where she was had to just pick on her to no end, and the owner just had to not care. I just want to grab her and hug her most of the time when I see how scared she acts when she lets down her front, but the front she tries to put up to make herself get by. "I'm trying to be a bad a$% here to stay alive" It makes me cry. but someday soon, she will realize no one will hurt her ever again.

That's my HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's tough to see them scared. I adopted 3 young girls this fall who went through a few predator attacks at their previous place --they were survivors out of 8 in their brooder. I got them because they needed a place to go as this place for kids shuts down for the season. They had been with spent hens who were set in their ways not really allowing the young ones to eat/drink or be down off their roost. Needless to say that in their "grow out" pen they were scared all the time up on the roost during the day. Fall came and I quickly snatched them up. Introducing them to my Young flock was challenging even because they were SO scared. I tried to get them to interact and then just quit interfering and let them go at their own pace. It took a good 2 1/2 months before they would forage with the others who weren't even that tough on them...because they were so skiddish. All is well now and they've taken to my banty rooster who always defends them and looks out for them. He's ecstatic to have his own Harem of Girls!

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