Resp concerns with young pullet

I think the video would play better on this site if you would post it to YouTube first, then paste the link here. Twitter is worthless, in my highfalutin opinion, and frankly is a waste of time.

Are these chicks under a heat source still? What are they in? How many of them are there and what is the size of the container or pen? What is the bedding?

Have you pried open the beak of this chick and looked in her throat? Ears? Is there any gunk in the ears or throat or nares?

What is her behavior? What does her poop look like? Is she eating?
There are 6 pullets in a 4’x4’ brooder. They don’t have a light directly on them because they’re fully feathered but they stay in my living room where it stays warm. I have not looked in throat or ears but I havent seen any gunk that stands out. Her poop was normal.
Is Thlosin at fees stores like tractor supply or Atwood’s?
You may be able to find Tylan at TSC. Look at your store online and see if they carry it, you may be able to get it shipped to store in a day. It really depends on your state.

Do you have a place outside ready for them?


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