Respitory Issues


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2020
New Chicken Mama to this site..Love it by the way:DCan anyone help me treat my few Hens that seem to be having respatory issues rasping breathing sneezing etc..I am currently treating them with the Vetrx and some rooster booster vitamin supplements and have them in my house quarantined is there any other tricks to helping them get better without antibiotics?would a vaporizer help them? I currently have 5 hens quarantined but I think it’s still spreading thru the flock so I want to treat them all for whatever this is going on. Does this type of respitory thing with chickens happen often? Thanks any advice is appreciated.
Do you see any swollen eye or bubbles in an eye? There are a handfull of possible respiratory diseases including infectious bronchitis virus, ILT virus, mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) coryza, and a few others. If it is infectious bronchitis or another virus, antibiotics will not help, but the disease would have to run it’s course over a few weeks or a month. IB is known to spread completely through a flock over weeks, and they may remain carriers for 5 monhts up to a year. It is important to have good overhead ventilation in the coop, prevent ammonia odors and dust, and get them to drink well. Here is a good link that includes those disease symptoms:
Respiratory diseases can never be cured, your birds will remain lifetime carriers and spread the disease onto their offspring. You must maintain a closed flock- no new birds in and no birds leave for flock
Do you see any swollen eye or bubbles in an eye? There are a handfull of possible respiratory diseases including infectious bronchitis virus, ILT virus, mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) coryza, and a few others. If it is infectious bronchitis or another virus, antibiotics will not help, but the disease would have to run it’s course over a few weeks or a month. IB is known to spread completely through a flock over weeks, and they may remain carriers for 5 monhts up to a year. It is important to have good overhead ventilation in the coop, prevent ammonia odors and dust, and get them to drink well. Here is a good link that includes those disease symptoms:
Respiratory diseases can never be cured, your birds will remain lifetime carriers and spread the disease onto their offspring. You must maintain a closed flock- no new birds in and no birds leave for flock
Aww really 😞 so sad I just want them all to be happy and well thanks for your advice
My birds got infectious bronchitis when they were young. It only makes them carriers for 5 months to a year. Once they get over it in about a month, they usually get better unless they get a secondary infection. It does affect very young chickens more seriously, and some hens may have reproductive issues. It is always good to get a couple of your birds tested to see if they have something more serious. You can maintain a closed flock if they have something more serious such as MG. MG, coryza, and ILT will make them carriers for life. If you should lose a chicken, keep the body cold, not frozen, and send it to your state poultry vet, who can test it and do a necropsy.

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