restricted feeding or free choice?


Mar 11, 2010
im wondering if i should feed my hens in the morning or keep feed out all the time?
feeding them in the mornings might be hard on busy mornings but i dont want them to get fat by pigging out on the food. which do you do and why?
and by the way i keep my hens for laying and they have a large run and free range a few days a week
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I keep feed out all the time for my laying hens, that way I know they get enough feed for themselves and for making me eggs! I also let mine out to free range in the evenings. The only birds I ever took feed away from were my meat birds and they were fed in the mornings only. Chickens also wont eat at night if it is dark so you wont have to worry about them eating 24/7 (unless of course you keep a light on at night then they just may).
I'm with Karrie! DITTO! I like to keep food available at all times for my ladies. That way, there is no competition for food what-so-ever. Mine also free range after I get home from work around 5pm, and longer on the weekends.
I keep the feeder in my coop full or nearly full at all times. Layer birds that run out of food and/or water can show it in a lowered egg production.
I read somewhere that chickens will not overeat. They need to eat all day as they process what they eat in a matter of hours. I keep food and water out for them all day.
ok i guess i will just keep the feed out which will be a lot easier anyway

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