Retire to the freezer?


5 Years
Feb 23, 2019
High Desert, California
So to preface the situation My husband and I are raising and breeding Muscovies. We’re still new to this whole thing as we’ve only been doing it for a year. Currently we can’t sell our ducks because of the poultry ban (California, just outside quarantine zone) but we’re just going to eat them for ourselves until that’s all settled. Our farming methods are a bit more hands off and natural.

I have one female that just seems terrible at the whole incubation process. Eggs get laid, then it seems as time goes on all her eggs inevitably go bad.
Some examples:
*They gray inside the shell, you can’t see anything when candling
*when they get candled what did have defined blood veins is now all liquid
*they are duds
I’ve so far had to remove three whole clutches. One clutch did manage to hatch out but that was when her and another female were sharing nests. Eggs were getting swapped and moved around.

So is it time to “retire her?” And also what could be causing this? I notice her nest and sitting setup is significantly different to other clutches from my other two females. My other females haven’t laid as often but have had successful hatches. Is she just old?

Also would she even be good to eat at this point or would she make for some better dog treats?
How old is that female? - If she is very young, she might just be inexperienced. (I know i always find an excuse for the bird…)
And if she's old, she won't be tasty, neither for you nor for your dog. ;)

I don’t know her age. I’ve had her for about a year but she was full grown when I got her. Didn’t think to ask for the age at the time.
Just as in all breeds your going to have awesome mamas and not so awesome. I have Muscovy to and I have seen it in my flock. I have ages 8-7 yr olds now with a few still laying but I don’t eat mine they just go into retirement here.

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