Reverse Java Pied & Pied Java

I see this thread is starting to go way off track.

Here is a picture of my Java Pied (Spalding Pied)

Burt Australia will not allow any bird to be imported in that why they don't have many colors. I seen on the news awhile back someone try to smuggle in two pigeon and got caught he was facing a big fine and up to 10 years in jail. What he is calling charcoal is different that the charcoals in the US.

Ahmmmmmmmmmmm what he is calling a Java is not the same as here either~
Javas are heritage chickens, and if you have anyother issues with such a breed, maybe you should find another name for it so it is not confusing our 4-Hers & other kids raising Java Fowl, here in the states .
Thanks !
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Ahmmmmmmmmmmm what he is calling a Java is not the same as here either~
Javas are heritage chickens, and if you have anyother issues with such a breed, maybe you should find another name for it so it is not confusing our 4-Hers & other kids raising Java Fowl, here in the states .
Thanks !

If your 4-H'ers get confused because people call a type of green PEAFOWL species "Javas" because there's also a BREED of CHICKEN called "Javas", then the solution isn't for the peafowl people to change the name but for the 4-H leaders to improve the SCIENCE education of the kids involved. After all, the wild SPECIES of peafowl existed before the BREED of Chicken.

And what do you do about Orpingtons and Anconas (these are breeds of ducks as well as chickens)?

Just something to keep in mind before you jump in on a post from 5 months ago.

Hm !!! No silver color in Australia but ..... this Australian boy has no silver on his back ????

the silver pied...its the female with the silver back...most colors are name after the males color, not so with the silver look at a blue silver pied(blue was first silver pied pattern) peahen....her back if a silver.
The bird he claims to have many of, he does not..... That cock bird was bred by people I know, and well quite obviously spalding......and that's what he was sold as........ also they have white guineas, yet to see one in the flesh in this country. Also the Aussie charcoal...... another friend of mine actually owns them, 2 cocks and a hen, the story goes that a feral population had these 3 birds in amongst, a guy working around the area (bird breeder who knows mutations) decided to catch them because they were so different, he had them up for sale on "his" site, 'He' wouldn't pay the asking price, so my friend bought the lot, pics he has of them are the ones the guy selling them posted on that forum.

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