Rhoda the lonely pullet


5 Years
Nov 13, 2018
Back in December I got a trio of chicks - Barred Rock, Faverolles and Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte. Unfortunately the Wyandotte and Faverolle turned out to be little roosters, and we're not zoned for roosters, so I had to return them to the breeder.
Since then, the Rhoda, the rockie, has been super lonely and with nobody else she's glued herself to me. I already handled her a lot so she was used to human contact, but now she insists on sitting on my shoulder while I'm at the desk. It's very cute, although occasionally she takes a peck at my liver spots (she's eyes one in the first picture) or in my ear.

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While keeping a lone hen is not the best thing for flock oriented animals, it can be done if you just don't or can't add another bird to the loner, especially if you make them a house chicken.

I had a lone old hen of 9+ years old too who recently passed away. She was alone for 2 years after the others had passed away from old age. :hmm She did bond with me VERY closely and I did all I could to accommodate her. She had a giant mirror she hung out with, knowing it wasn't a real bird but the reflection alone was soothing to her. I kept a radio playing all day long in the coop so there was life with her. I brought her down here to the house and let her wander around the tiled areas of the house. :lol: I went free ranging with her during the day and spent as much time as possible with her. She never really showed any signs of being lonely, although I am not a chicken, so I can't be sure. She clucked around even by herself, was full of energy and was happy to see me, begged to go outside, ravenously ate her plate of greens every morning, she was full of life till the end!

Since you keep her indoors with you, I am sure she will live a long happy life, it's the companionship they seek, even if it's not with another bird. I know many people that keep lone house birds. Enjoy your girl, she looks adorable!! :love

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