Rhode Island Red babies


Where Chickens Ride Horses
15 Years
Jul 9, 2007
always changing
Hay & Bale meet C1 & C2.

3 weeks and 3 1/2 months

So how did they do when you introduced them? I have almost 12 week olds and almost 5 week olds and I really would like to introduce them but I am still afraid the big girls will really rough them up, I have 5 Buff Orps and 5 Americaunas, they are the ones I would not trust, bunch of snot's they are, the buffs are okay. Trudy
Thank you.
This morning I went out early and took the 3 week olds and place them with the 3 1/2 month olds and silkie and let them all wake up together. No pecking went on at all. The silkie became mama to the older ones when they were about a month old when I started letting them free range. I have older hens too, 6 years, they have their own coop and the rest sleep in the tack room, but they can all free range together on my acre. I am hoping to soon get a coop for the rest of the hens and those 5 can all live together. I tried for a couple days letting the 3 month olds be with the 6 year olds but the young ones didn't like it and they escaped from my coop because it has a lot of holes in it now. It is 10 years old and in much need of repair. The horse likes to tear up the chicken coop lol
It went pretty well, one of the bigger ones pecked gently a couple times, but since they were free ranging, they wandered off. I do not let the little babies free range yet unless I am standing right there, I don't want them to get lost or eaten! Since the 3 month olds were raised by me, and then the very docile silkie, they are still very gentle and friendly.
Those are pretty birds.

I thought I had a RIR, but now I don't think so. Mine is not as red as yours and has creamy colored feathers in certain places. They also have a little black in their tails....Hmmmm

Well, she is terribly sweet anyway!
Here is a picture of my older girls. My 3 month olds do have some black in their tails, and the young ones do have some cream/tan colors on the wings.
These two are about 6 years old, still laying. One is a lot lighter color than the other, can't tell in picture though.

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Oh, well maybe she is a RIR~~not just a good of quality as yours is?? Mine came from MM Hatchery.

BTW: That's a nice picture of them! I can't get anything to load here or I would l try to show you "Cordelia," to you, too!!
I get mine from the local feed store, I do not know where they get them. Here is a picture of the 3 month olds when they were a month old. I had 5 to begin with, but something got 3 of them, they were just gone one day.
By the way, the 3 month olds are C1 and C2 and the 3 week olds are Hay and Bale.


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