Ribh's D'Coopage

Thanks, MJ. I now have an island appointment for tomorrow morning with a watch & monitor option if she gets worse of heading over. I'd really rather not do that. The humidity is about 70% but I actually reckon it's higher. I'm dripping wet & it's barely 9am.

Glad you were able to get and appointment so promptly.

I too hate humidity. It makes everything else that much harder to bear.
I hope all goes well for you both. :hugs
I haven't been on~line much. For one I have been monitoring Wrold very closely, made more difficult by babysitting duty over the weekend. The kiddies were here, which I prefer. I have so many more options for entertainment here. But Wrold is a pest. I have to literally drag her into the house to eat, where she goes berko because the cats live here too, pigs out because she has starved herself & bats & pecks @ me any time I go to handle her. It is a right old circus!

To add to my misery one of the Vorwerks appears to have injured herself & I have had her in a box in the house over the weekend. I am terribly worried about her & will have to try for a mainland vet run which I am dreading. It is terribly hot & muggy but I'm not sure we can manage another day without proper treatment when the vet would be on the island.

I have been reading but not commenting much as a result & have loads of other things I am supposed to do before the weekend & the hoards descend on us.
I was starting to worry you were off at a wedding or such like @BY Bob was! Glad everything is well, is a circus of kidlets, Broodies, and all the usual as well.
Not, easily, no. I've tried on the island & dragging one from the mainland would mean a special trip & last time I tried they didn't have the size I wanted @ my produce store. Even pet shops only carry limited sizes around here.
Hmmm, how about a “bad rooster box” a DIY crate? Leftover hardware cloth or chicken wire and some scrap lumber?
Guess what arrived almost 8 weeks early?! :thumbsup


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