RIP chicken thread

RIP to everyone's babies they have lost 😪

I know exactly how all of you feel. About a year and a half ago we sadly lost our whole flock of about 50 chickens, including my 10 Khaki Cambell ducks, and 4 turkeys. Sadly our flock contracted mycoplasma and mareks because we introduced new hens to the flock, and even after quarantine and not seeing signs of sickness, our whole flock ended up falling ill. The ones that didn't perish had to be culled in order to start a new, clean, healthy flock and not have a closed flock. It was a few days of crying and the hardest part was killing the ones that were like pets to me. I've never cried so much over a chicken! My rooster, Foggy, especially touched my heart. He was such a sweet guy, I would hold out my arm and he'd fly up and perch on me and fall asleep. He would follow me around, and even get into the car with me! I miss him the most, and I think about him often. RIP to my whole flock we had.
You had a personal conection to that special little rooster, and Mareks disease is the absolute worst, the cause of so many deaths. RIP Foggy. :hugs
Big Boy, my first Giant I bred from crossing Brahma, & Easter Egger. Found in the coop about a week, or two before Christmas with his neck wrung.

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