RIP Georgio Armani Turkey "George


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
Jesup, Georgia
We lost a dear pet today .... broad breasted turkey ... 2 years old ... Georgio Armani Turkey "George" ..... hand fed treats and loved to be rubbed, truly an affectionate pet!

We will miss you!
Sorry for your loss. Our BBB jake was the `friendliest' turk we've raised. Very sociable and bred for doom and stuffing. `George' was fortunate to have been `hatched' in your midst. Not many BB's ever get to taste a `treat' of any kind.

Heritage varieties are pretty sociable as well and aren't challenged by traditional genetic engineering...
I used to have a white BB turkey we lost her
:hit:hit she was old,but i love how she passed but i wish she hadn't

Jan. 2, 2012: i walked out to the coop let the girls out (yes she grew up and lived with chickens) i opened the door and waited for her to walk out but she didn't,
so then i looked in she had her head tucked under her wing (like a chicken) i went to wake her up for breakfast i calmly said her name she did not move, so then i petted her to see if she would wake up but she didn't so i picked her up...then i relised she was limp i broke down in tears holding her telling her to make any kind of noise did this for about 10-15 minuets then i looked in her XXL next box and there i saw 3 eggs so i rushed them over to my 2 toms and hoped they can fertilize them i waited..and waited...and waited so then i went to check on them and out of the 3 only 2 hatched and they live with me today. but i will always remember ginger

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