RIP little drake! 😟



5 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
Sad news: I heart something like an impact outside, looked out of the window and could not see anything, but all ducks were huddled close to the house. Grabbed my jacket and went outside and saw a huge bird of prey taking off. It left behind the dead body of one of my young drakes, one of the drakes my neighbors gave back to me in December. I have no idea what kind of bird that is, but it has red-brown feathers on its back and I'm not uploading pictures here, you all have seen a duck killed by a BoP i guess.

And i am not overly heartbroken by that drake's death, i mean it was drake and i have too many drakes, but what makes me mad is the following:
That b*tch bird attacked me: While picking up the body, it swooped right over me, i felt the draft from its wings, then it turned around and dive bombed me several times. It hung around for almost 30 minutes, shouting loud, dive-bombing me several times until i got my slingshot out and launched a couple of pebbles into its direction (i still don't own a gun!). My ducks are so scared now that the all hug the house, don't move and don't quack…

Am i allowed to hunt that bird down now?
Sad news: I heart something like an impact outside, looked out of the window and could not see anything, but all ducks were huddled close to the house. Grabbed my jacket and went outside and saw a huge bird of prey taking off. It left behind the dead body of one of my young drakes, one of the drakes my neighbors gave back to me in December. I have no idea what kind of bird that is, but it has red-brown feathers on its back and I'm not uploading pictures here, you all have seen a duck killed by a BoP i guess.

And i am not overly heartbroken by that drake's death, i mean it was drake and i have too many drakes, but what makes me mad is the following:
That b*tch bird attacked me: While picking up the body, it swooped right over me, i felt the draft from its wings, then it turned around and dive bombed me several times. It hung around for almost 30 minutes, shouting loud, dive-bombing me several times until i got my slingshot out and launched a couple of pebbles into its direction (i still don't own a gun!). My ducks are so scared now that the all hug the house, don't move and don't quack…

Am i allowed to hunt that bird down now?
Your poor flock is definitely in shock😢. Maybe think about a pellet gun if you don’t have a shotgun.
We have some pretty large raptors that swoop in around my place often and they are just frightening.
I would! I hope the rest of your flock has a safe place to be!
You better button up the rest of your flock because that bird will be back and probably really soon! It was probably either a red-tail or red-shouldered hawk
Better cover the pens quickly. It will be back to get more. ☺
I don't have a pen! - There is no way to build one here and the duckies are used to roam freely around the house. Can't cover 20,000 sqft with netting, plus it would do a lot of harm to the local bird population!

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