Rise of The Planet of The Apes

We want to see it too...
If you watch it agian watch for the head lines and news reports about that space launch,they tied it all in....
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Just based on the trailer, it honestly looks completely stupid to me. Seriously, SWAT teams with automatic weapons vs smart chimps? And the chimps win? How does that make sense at all, even assuming the sci-fi brain chemical? Does it make sense in context?
It will be neat to see how the stories tie in to one another. I saw the original 3 back in the 1970s when I was a kid (I think the first 2 had Charlton Heston in them). I saw the Mark Wahlberg version when it first came out in the theaters, and I really liked it. Saw it a couple of times in the theater, in fact. Then I had to go buy it the day it came out on DVD. Seriously.

Tim Roth plays the evil villain SOOOOOO well, even in a monkey suit.

I am looking forward to seeing this one. From everyone I've heard about that has actually seen it, they've liked it. Haven't heard one bad review.
"One guy with an M-249 Squad Assault Weapon, stronger." - Me


Completely true, and much cooler. I saw the movie: I'd give it one star for plot and blatant stupidity, and another star for good special effects. The old P.O.T.A. movie from the 60s was dumb, but at least it had a plot and made some sense: I like the ending with the statue of liberty! This movie had absolutely no substance, and the ending was really a dumb was to end it, IMHO. Even my younger brother agrees with me! He writes movie reviews in our local newspaper.

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