Rise of The Planet of The Apes

Like what Cesar said

" Apes alone, weak"
" Apes together, strong"

" Apes stupid"

"One guy with an M-249 Squad Assault Weapon, stronger." - Me

That's what Custer thought.
"One guy with an M-249 Squad Assault Weapon, stronger." - Me

That's what Custer thought.

Actually, I'm fairly sure that the Indians were similarly armed. Even assuming that they were underequipped, there's a huge difference between musket vs repeater and automatic rifle vs freaking monkey with a stick.
My mockery still stands.
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Actually Q9, the Indians were better armed than Custer's men but he didn't acknowledge that.
In the movie they didnt take over they where just trying to get away to the forest.The virus the humans got is what will allow them to take over after most humans die from it....But thats another movie.....
I enjoyed the movie, but was scratching my head a little when Caesar began to speak. The reason chimps can't speak is something that accelerated brain development couldn't fix. Their hyoid bone and larynx structures make speech not possible in the sense depicted in the movie. The few words anyone was able to get a chimpanzee to speak in real life had to be accomplished by the chimp pinching (and basically talking through) its nose, and it sounded nothing like what you hear in the movie.

But stepping aside from that, I had a good time.

Yeah, I watched all four original Planet of the Apes movies in the theaters and have them on VHS, plus watched the remake. Did you know there was a TV serial based on the original movie with the same characters? So I suppose I will be watching this one too.

P.S. I agree with Q9, a Human with technology is the most destructive dominant force on the face of the planet.

P.P.S. It’s only a matter of time before a “Super Ape” is a reality, look up Humanzee.
Good grief, what is it with you and the vocal structures of primates?!
It hurts my brain.

I'm a double major -- psychology (clinical focus) and physical anthropology. It just rolls off the tongue, I suppose.
So, what do you think of the recent DNA results leaking out of the lab about Bigfoot samples showing Human mitochondrial from the Franco-Cantabrian glacial refuge era and the nuclear DNA showing an unknown Hominid.

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