Roaming Dogs coming in and killing yesterday

You have every right to protect your property! My daughter had a similar issue, the nextdoor neighbor dog killed a lot of her ducks and chickens and was on their property before. She told the neighbor if it comes on her property she will eliminate it, own is now very careful with the dog.
You did the right thing you should probably report it to authorities as well. I would not want my dog shot either but would be frantic if my dog was not home at any time. If you can catch the dogs and take to the pound great if you catch them killing your flock again I would shoot them.
I agree with contacting authorities, but it is considered a dog at large to authorities.
I live in Panama. It's a death sentence to a dog that kills livestock, EVEN IF that livestock is chickens or guineas. Once a dog gets a taste of the kill, they'll not stop, and folks around these parts know it and deal with it appropriately. And for those whining about misdemeanor to kill THEIR pet dog... what about YOUR PET GUINEAS?
Wow, I'd be steaming mad! This is good advice, all the above. Two things about this kind of situation that I've both experienced and watched others go through in various states:
1) Document, document, document. Take notes, take pics, make sure you post a complaint with your local sheriff's office. That way it's on the record. It's not enough just to be in the right, you need to think of possible litigation if you do end up defending your livestock and property. People are crazy these days and everyone wants to sue for every little thing.
2) This is just my experience. But in Arkansas, where I lived for 6 years, the local sheriff of our community told me about their unspoken law there: "Shoot, shovel, shut up". I'm not advocating this explicitly. But we had to do this after a pack of wild dogs showed up and attacked local animals, then our own. We shot the lead dog, buried him immediately, never said a thing. No one came looking in this case because they were feral.

Lastly, when I lived in Idaho one of my dogs--a beautiful Siberian Husky-- attacked and killed a neighbor's turkeys and their pet duck. I put the dog down that day. Took him to the vet, explained the situation, and the vet told me this was the right thing to do because once they've attacked something, they'll continue to look for opportunities to repeat this behavior. We didn't get sued but if we had, I was on record as having responded immediately and taking responsibility. It was hard. But it was the right thing.
:goodpost::thumbsup Sound advice!!!
I have 3 dogs so I love dogs. But if these dogs come back, it will be with intent to kill again. They were going crazy at the chicken run trying to get in. We do have a B.B. gun so I would use that as a first resort. And we have a Livestock Guardian Dog but unfortunately he was inside yesterday because it was storming and pouring down rain all day.

And yes, I did want to hopefully alert the owner should they be on the site that they better be diligent. And I definitely posted the whole statute of law as defined by Kansas on the site. Interestingly no one has made a comment since.

I can keep the chickens locked up and safe but we also have swans and it would devastate me if they were to kill them.
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You are absolutely right and did all the right things. Letting the neighborhood know that you can and will take action was very smart and may insure that those dogs do not come back. And if they do come back you have every right to shoot them. My dog wandered and got shot. The vet said he wouldn't live, but he did. I love him but he got what he got for roaming on other's property, I am not mad at the land owner. Don't let small minded people ruin your day any more than their dogs have ruined your guineas!! Sorry for your loss. :hugs
Oh, not according to these people. They said that they know my name and that I have publicly declared to shoot someone’s pets, which kind of sounded like some sort of veiled threat against me.
No, you are not wrong, but using an app to broadcast your intentions wasn't a good idea. Contact local police and your animal control officer if you have one. If these are problem dogs they may be known to them and maybe they can tell you who owns them. If they return, best to follow the policy of S.S.S. Shoot, Shovel and Shut up. Kill one or both. Do not shoot to wound with a BB gun! Dig a hole and bury the carcass. Say nothing to anyone. If the dogs are in your yard again and killing birds, you may not be able to get near them safely to see if you can get tag numbers (if they are wearing them). If anyone wanders by, looking for a dog, you haven't seen it. Don't get involved in a conversation, just end it at that. It's sad but it does happen. Some states just seem to have more owners that don't care about their dogs and get away with it because of lax laws. The dogs may well have come from a mile away or more. The owner will be libel for damages but you may never find them. And then you have the issue of getting them to actually pay you.
If you want to target practice on them, get a high end paintball gun. Those plastic capsules hurt like hell, won't cause a wound that might never get treated by a non caring owner and leave a big swatch of paint that may give the owner something to think about when they come home like that.
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