roasted chicken on the grill , an all amarican flavour?do u have all the ingredients???


Mar 21, 2017
Few days ago I selected a few hens of older age from the chickens that need to be rehomed but I didn't know what to bake in fact so I tried on google to find any good recipe and I saw a photograph of a roasted chickentigh that reminded me of how my aunt and uncle in phoenix prepare their chicken .... The chicken grilled with lemon , honey and soysauce , now I didn't have all the ingredients so I went to the supermarket closeby and you can guess ? yup no soysauce , I was clueless because adding lemon and honey is a different taste , it needs that soyflavour half sweet half salted , so I call my auntie here on skype , guess what she said :D " But sweety ! you do realize we all have a solution for that as amarican citizens ! " So I was like " whut ? without soy ? producing my own soysauce ?? " she gave me the easiest recipe ever that tastes still sooooooo yummy !!!
Instead of soysauce ? I needed ketchup , lemon , honey and mostard dijon :D , now at first I looked at her like no way I'm eating that , I'll just roast them without but ok , I made the sauce and I gotta admit , close to the soysauce honey chicken yet different , also due the seasoning probably but I tought about just sharing it with you peeps :) or I guess you all already know ?

Ok here is the recipe anyway if you either ran out of soysauce or just don't digest it or do not want to eat it and like to taste a new good bbq flavour ;)) ,
first add the ketchup ( one and a half cup ) , add the honey and the mostard ( keep those the same amount , equal to eachother : about a fourth of a cup , (more a little bit like a fourth and two teaspoons to my personal taste ) and season to your flavour , I added 2 teaspoons of salt , one clove of garlic , and a twig of rosemary , so roasted the chicken on the grill outside and ommm delicious !!!! and that colour of that chicken yeah that's it , I swear I never prefer another barbecue sauce now ! No need to get my soysauce anymore , seriously! now to eat I did not only eat chicken , I cooked some rice first and added sundried ( diy because the weather in Belgium suddenly changed into ' tropical , 36°Celsius :D ) tomatoes ( cut into parts ) , and roasted some thin bacon , added both to the rice but then ... yum , take two eggs and just throw the entire eggs in the rice ( no shells :p ) , due the heat of the rice it gets baked on its own yet on that rice with veggies it tastes incredably good . So here you have a recipe for when you ran out of soysauce or just when you like that bbq flavour :) , oh btw , you can still add some chilli to it , that is just to lick your fingers ! p.s. : my aunt claims it is an all classic american way to roast chicken ... True or not ? I had never baked it that way before but once tasted the usual honey , lemon chicken at her house and I was sold to it while she replied to me she found it boring and was looking for a recipe due " always the same " according to her ( I can take that auntie :p ) . Ok , actually just wanted to share this because I loved the flavour , especially when you got fresh meat , wich is always different then from the store , regards out of sunny Belgium ( got a heatstroke so all is fine here :D )
Cooking small chickens is a difficult and laborious business with which only a professional chef who is able to cook other meat (such as chicken, beef, pork, lamb and other meat) can cope. Also, the preparation of small chickens requires good, high-quality and tasty spices. Chicken cooking can be successful only if you have experience in cooking meat, having a good quality grill and good tasty and high-quality spices.

Also if you need an grill for your BBQ, can check reviews at here:

Dang Thai from Embeya Grill

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