RodNTN's chat thread!

Me too!!! ^-^

Crikey. I wouldn't be either.
I am not excited, but I am glad I got it over with!

Good news Gaiter doesn't have Cancer! but he has a ruptured disc. she went to the vet with what little money she has and got him checked out! They plan to put him on medicine, and if after ten days and doesn't improve then he will be put to sleep!

Oh, that's good! I will be praying for him!
Wow, how on earth has it been a MONTH since I've been here? :th life just gets so busy sometimes. Especially when your parents are splitting up. :,(

I got an incubator, guys! First eggs hatching on groundhog day! Isabella and I will host a groundhog day hatch-a-long!
a month! a month! I couldn't go that long without BYC! Oh I'm sorry about your parents spitting up! cool! Incubator, I want one! Hmm....let me right that on my Christmas wish list!
a month! a month! I couldn't go that long without BYC! Oh I'm sorry about your parents spitting up! cool! Incubator, I want one! Hmm....let me right that on my Christmas wish list!
Well, a month since I've been on this chat thread. I have 30 subscriptions to check at any given time and 2-6 messages, and I've just been so busy I have let some things slide. But I'm back!

Haha, an incubator would be a great Christmas present! I bought mine with my own money. Lol.

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