Rolling Hills Wolf RP ~ submit your forms HERE

I'd like to make an abandoned pup???

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, go here:


Physical description:
Name: tanya
Gender: female
Pack: Izzy's pack
Rank: middle ranker
Mate: none, wants
Personality: Tanya is a hyper and happy go lucky young female whom isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, though does know how to respect higher ranking wolves. She is daring and cunning as well. She loves running and is among the faster wolves in the pack.
Physical description: Tanya is a striking black with white frosting across her pelt. She is pock marked with scars from her life as a loner before Izzy and silver allowed her in the pack when it was being built.
Other: Tanya was born in a litter of six pups. Their mother was a very ignorant female whom often ignored them. It was their father that made sure she fed them before eventually taking the pups and leaving her for a more responsible female whom had lost her mate just before her own pups, at wich point they gained one step brother and sister. They grew up with them until some dumb young humans caused their forest to set ablaze when she was just about weaned. She lost both parents and was left with just her brother due to the fire. They were taken in by an older loner after that. Ask her for the rest.
I'd like to make an abandoned pup???

Name: tanya
Gender: female
Pack: Izzy's pack
Rank: middle ranker
Mate: none, wants
Personality: Tanya is a hyper and happy go lucky young female whom isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, though does know how to respect higher ranking wolves. She is daring and cunning as well. She loves running and is among the faster wolves in the pack.
Physical description: Tanya is a striking black with white frosting across her pelt. She is pock marked with scars from her life as a loner before Izzy and silver allowed her in the pack when it was being built.
Other: Tanya was born in a litter of six pups. Their mother was a very ignorant female whom often ignored them. It was their father that made sure she fed them before eventually taking the pups and leaving her for a more responsible female whom had lost her mate just before her own pups, at wich point they gained one step brother and sister. They grew up with them until some dumb young humans caused their forest to set ablaze when she was just about weaned. She lost both parents and was left with just her brother due to the fire. They were taken in by an older loner after that. Ask her for the rest.
( Hey maybe Zorra could be her sister?!)
Name: Zorra
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: River pack
Rank: Lower mid-ranker
Mate: none.
Personality: bright, sarcastic, likes to chat, can be annoyed VERY easily. Respectful on the outside, but she secretly hates submitting to other wolves.
Physical description: She's on the smaller side, Thin, Beautiful soft fur. She has a black stripe from her nose, going down her back too the tip of her tail. Two black patches around her bright yellow eyes. Her two front feet are black, the rest of her is a cloudy white.
Other: She's a great hunter and can run faster then most due to her small size, she left her old pack after her mate died of illness and found her way here, she's been in the river pack for a couple years and has earned her place here. @cluckmecoop7 ?!
She doesn't have much of a biography....
Name: Zorra
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: River pack
Rank: Lower mid-ranker
Mate: none.
Personality: bright, sarcastic, likes to chat, can be annoyed VERY easily. Respectful on the outside, but she secretly hates submitting to other wolves.
Physical description: She's on the smaller side, Thin, Beautiful soft fur. She has a black stripe from her nose, going down her back too the tip of her tail. Two black patches around her bright yellow eyes. Her two front feet are black, the rest of her is a cloudy white.
Other: She's a great hunter and can run faster then most due to her small size, she left her old pack after her mate died of illness and found her way here, she's been in the river pack for a couple years and has earned her place here. @cluckmecoop7 ?!
Their bios don't match XD. Zorra was born in a pack, where as Tanya was born to a single pair of wolves. A loner since birth just about. They can be best friends though. Like maybe they met as pups. Her pack could a been a part of the forest fire that destroyed Tanya's family and made her an orphaned wolf?
Their bios don't match XD. Zorra was born in a pack, where as Tanya was born to a single pair of wolves. A loner since birth just about. They can be best friends though. Like maybe they met as pups. Her pack could a been a part of the forest fire that destroyed Tanya's family and made her an orphaned wolf?
Yes!!! That'd be cool!!

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