Roo found under coop... Update: RIP. B4 Pics & Now a whodunnit case...

I am going out now to give him a buttermilk and egg drink. I was thinking the same thing when I woke up this morning!

Oh yeah-There does not appear to be any mites. I am open to being wrong, but there just doesn't appear to be any evidence of them.
I wonder if he has botulism (note the inability to swallow):

"Weakness is generally the first sign of the illness and is followed by progressive flaccid paralysis of the legs, wings and neck. When neck muscles are affected the head hangs limp, thus causing a condition referred to as "limberneck". Affected birds may have a peculiar trembling, loose feathers that are pulled out easily and dull partly closed eyes. Some birds (turkeys) do not develop loose feathers or limberneck symptoms. Because of the paralysis, birds are unable to swallow and mucous accumulates in the mouth. Fatally affected birds may lie in a profound coma appearing lifeless for several hours before death. Significant lesions are not usually observed in affected birds. Examining digestive contents may reveal insects, decomposed animal or vegetable material or other matter suggesting that the birds have consumed the toxin."

If so your sugar water might have helped somewhat but the treatment recommended on this site most (I think) is 'the molasses flush'. In any case, it wouldn't hurt. Now there might be some other things but there are threads here on botulism and molasses flush.

The link above says for treatment epsom and laxatives but I think I'd look up the molasses treatment first because the sooner he gets treatment the better chance for survival. Just worry about him right now although it says below to treat all birds. You may have to but this guy is critical. Don't get overwhelmed and keep focused!

"If the disease strikes, locate and remove the source of the toxin and separate all visibly affected birds from the flock for treatment. Place sick birds in a cool shaded area and give fresh water into the crop, twice daily. Mild laxatives may be used for birds that have been exposed but do not show disease symptoms. Epsom salts (one pound per 100 birds) may be mixed into feed. Adding a level teaspoonful of Epsom salts in one ounce of water and placing in the crops of sick birds has been beneficial in many instances. Antitoxin therapy is indicated only in birds that have high individual value since the antitoxin is difficult to obtain and is expensive."
Thanks for the botulism thought. I did clean out their coop the other day and there was an area that was not very pretty by where the waterer had been (Waterer now outside).

Going to give the molasses flush. May pick up some Tylan as well in case it is respiratory. I don't have anything to lose at this point with this guy...
Good girl, antibiotics gooood!
RIP Roo. I left the house to run errands. Came back and he was gone. Sigh.

This am:

He was getting such beautiful coloring!

I am now officially turning this post into a WHODUNIT???

So after I knew he was gone, I decided to do an autopsy on the little guy. Before I started, I noticed that an area to the right of his breastbone/keel (?) was a bit soft and maybe filled with fluid. That area was filled with clear fluid and appeared to have been maybe one of his air sacs?????
His crop was almost totally clear of anything, gizzard with grit but not too much, and all others organs appeared normal. No lumps, bumps, lesions, abnormal fluids, etc.
Intestines and rear end had mashed chx food, evidence of greens and the like in them. Intestines did have a ball of foodstuff about the size of a grape just before the exit, but it was soft, so I don't think there was any impaction going on.

I forgot to add that a couple of times he did exhibit a small tic-like motion with his head. I had been thinking it was related to lack of fluids and lytes, but maybe it is a symptom of the illness itself?

On a really good note: All 25 of my other adolescent chickens seem to be healthy today!!!
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