roo over-breeding its favorite hen

Somewhat of a similar experience here. When his favorite hen was taken away, my male roo crowed incessantly, as he probably suffered separation anxiety. Eventually his favorite hen started chirping away (jip-jip...jip-jip..jip-jip). I then used a separator, which some here also recommend - that can be very helpful. Your roo & hen will likely quiet down if they can see each other.
They definitely can't see each other but they sure can hear each other. I've been designing some ear plugs... for me, not the quail. Although..
Not being able to see each other - I think that's the problem. Merely letting your roo see his favorite hen may allow peace on earth to reign. He won't have physical access to overbreed her but visual access might be good enough.
Oh I misunderstood, and I did not realize this was a thing. Interesting. I will try it. I have been trying to finish my new build which can have dividers but all this roo drama has been vying for my attention in the meantime. Soon though. Thanks for the advice.

Do you think that is also true from roo to roo, meaning that if roos can see each other through dividers rather than just hear each other, they may settle in and crow less?
I have thought of this with the 6 day olds we picked up a couple wks ago so I'm going to pick up another 4 in a few wks which will bring us up to a 1 to 9 ratio, that will keep 'im busy. But as we all know, there is always a favorite. These will be from a different hatchery that is a hundred miles south of original pick ups just to deepen the gene pool.
Oh I misunderstood, and I did not realize this was a thing. Interesting. I will try it. I have been trying to finish my new build which can have dividers but all this roo drama has been vying for my attention in the meantime. Soon though. Thanks for the advice.

Do you think that is also true from roo to roo, meaning that if roos can see each other through dividers rather than just hear each other, they may settle in and crow less?
My roo seems to calm down when he is able to see his favorite hen. Yours might be similar especially if he thinks he's bonded with her. Where roo crowings are concerned, roos seem to react to other roos' crowings, even if they were audio recordings from Youtube clips! I once triggered a series of reciprocal crowings from my roo when he heard some roos crowing in the background of a Youtube clip on quail raising that I was watching. A mistake I learnt from fast & I now use headphones whenever I view clips on quails.

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